Holiday Gift Guide for Men

Raise your hand if all your Holiday shopping is done and those gifts are wrapped and ready under the tree? I usually start my Holiday…

A Change in Plans + 38 Week Bumpdate

Leave it to a man to change all of your plans at the last minute. When I was born thirty-one years ago I was born…

Coffee + Conversation

Happy Monday, friends. It’s been a little quiet around here lately. I have been busy getting ready for baby boy to make his debut. Those…

5 Goals for November

November is here and it finally does feel like fall in North Carolina. As I was drafting this post last night, I was covered in…

30-34 Week Bumpdate

Here we are – getting so close to the end! This was the point with Madeline that I started doing updates every other week so…

Coffee + Conversation

Happy Monday, friends. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Friday was Corey’s birthday so Madeline and I baked him a cake. His two favorite…

5 Goals for October

This morning I found it a little hard to believe that it was actually October. Where did the month of September go? And more importantly,…

Shop My Favorites

My favorite sandals
My favorite sandals
My favorite lippy
My favorite lippy
Safer Sunless Tanner
Safer Sunless Tanner
My Fav Tote
My Fav Tote
The non-mom mom jeans
The non-mom mom jeans
The BEST Sunscreen
The BEST Sunscreen
My Favorite Sandals
My Favorite Sandals