30-34 Week Bumpdate

Here we are – getting so close to the end! This was the point with Madeline that I started doing updates every other week so I will try to do that this time, too, to document as things start changing more rapidly. How amazing (and terrifying!) to realize he will be here in just four to six weeks!

How far along: 34 weeks 

Baby is the size of: a cantaloupe and weighs about four and a half pounds 

Weight gain: 28 pounds per my last appointment

Symptoms: My oh my how things have changed since my last update. I’m still exhausted but have been having a lot of backpain, some nausea again, pelvic pressure (ouch!), and contractions. I had to go in for some fetal monitoring due to the contractions (more on that below). Also, I had some random swelling last week but thankfully it went away. I’m sure it’s a sign that more is coming, though! 

Cravings: Smoothies from Juice Bar.  I’m obsessed right now with the Heart Healthy one which has avocado, almond milk and butter, cinnamon and maple syrup in it and the So Basic one, which is strawberry banana. 

Eating lately: I am eating three meals and a snack. I’m still obsessed over all variations of the grilled romaine salad, pumpkin Siggi’s yogurt, and grilled meats with veggies. 

Exercise: I am modifying most of my workouts and still working out 4-5 days a week. I had to take a few days off last week at my doctor’s recommendation but am cleared to continue with my regular routine going forward as long as I am comfortable. I am going to barre twice a week and walking on the threadmill or outside twice a week. I’m also trying to fit in a prenatal workout from Beachbody on Demand once a week when I can. 

Baby’s Movement: He is still kicking and moving around in there! 

Wearing lately: it is finally cool enough for fall clothes in Charlotte so I am wearing my maternity wardrobe from when I was pregnant with Madeline. Lots of leggings, jeans, and flows tops.

Sleep: It’s hit or miss really. If I ever get really comfortable and get in that deep, restful sleep then I have to wake up to pee. Such is pregnancy. 

Stretch marks: Not yet. I’m still applying my oil and belly butter twice a day but my belly is huge! It is almost bigger than it was when I delivered Madeline so I’m not holding my breath that I’ll get through without them this time, although it would be nice! 

Belly button in or out: it’s still in for the time being! 

Highs/Lows: My highs this month have just been finishing up various projects. Each one checked off my list has me one step closer to being ready for baby to come! 

My low was that I had some contractions last week on Sunday. We had walked all day Saturday for the Clemson game and then I noticed a few that evening just as we were about to head home. I decided to time them in the car and then call my doctor once we got back to Charlotte if they were still going and regular. But they stopped so I went to sleep, enjoyed breakfast with my mom who had kept Madeline while we were away, and then relaxed most of the day Sunday. I went to sleep and then woke up in the middle of the night with sharp contractions. I stayed up to time them but they weren’t regular so I assumed they were Braxton Hicks and eventually went back to sleep. Then, about five in the morning they started again. They weren’t as strong but were exactly four minutes apart. I waited for my OB’s office to open at eight and then they had me come in immediately. They did an exam but the contractions weren’t causing me to dilate or progress in any way. They hooked baby up to the fetal monitor and he was happy as could be. His heart rate was fine and he was not in any type of distress. Eventually they started to space back out and have kind of come and go since, although he seems to have shifted position in the last two or three days and that has helped a lot! My doctor told me to take it easy for a couple days and gave me a whole list of things to watch for but we are assuming that even though they were regular they’re just practice/Braxton Hicks for now since they aren’t making me progress at all thankfully! It was the little kick in the bum I needed to finish up some outstanding tasks like unpacking the infant seat and washing it’s cover and finishing up Baby Boy’s closet. So now we are ready even though he really needs to stay in there at least three more weeks! 

The unknown of when he will come has me a little nervous this to around since Corey travels so much. Obviously we are all really nervous that he is trying to come early but then again he may very well stay in there until his due date or later! The end of pregnancy is so overwhelming! But, we are just glad that he is safe and healthy and continuing to grow. 

Here is my side by side of 34 weeks with Madeline and then with Baby Boy. You can check out the Bumpdate from my first pregnancy here or all my posts on pregnancy here. 



  1. LMW
    November 1, 2018 / 1:20 pm

    So close lady. I am just waiting for the day he comes. Try to enjoy what you can of these last few days as a family of 3. Glad it cooled off for you finally.

  2. Anonymous
    November 1, 2018 / 8:56 pm

    Gosh Elizabeth, a lot of worry for you – but totally normal – lots of people I know (including myself) had those contractions a few weeks before due date. Glad your doctor was so proactive and could reassure you like that. Glad to hear you aren't having to battle high temps too and have got your big projects done! There is no way you will get stretch marks now – I remember checking my tum everyday, paranoid – and they didn't arrive. I think you'd have got them by now if they were meant to be! So close! So exciting! Keep us all updated – we are rooting for you! J xx

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