5 Goals for November

November is here and it finally does feel like fall in North Carolina. As I was drafting this post last night, I was covered in a cozy blanket, wearing an oversized sweater, and sitting in our living room with the fireplace on. I just love this time of year!

I did not accomplish everything on my October goals list unfortunately but it was a busy month. I fell short on planning a baby moon (because my doctor vetoed it!) and I did not try out any new recipes. I did a lot of cooking, though, so that’s something! 

The big project for October was Madeline’s big girl room. I’ll be giving you the full tour on Thursday and I am so excited to share! It turned out so cute and just so Madeline. 

Here are my goals for this month:

1. Have a relaxing last month of pregnancy. Things have been so busy lately that I have just been going nonstop. Most of our projects are done and I just want to relax a little right here at the end. 

2. Work on playroom organization. Now I know I just said I was going to relax but this isn’t really a big project – just one I have been meaning to get around to forever. Madeline’s playroom and our bonus room are one in the same and it feels like it’s completely taken over with toys so I’d like to get it a little more organized before adding a whole other little person’s toys to the mix.

3. Celebrate Thanksgiving with our family. We have some extended family coming in for the weekend this weekend for a little mock Thanksgiving since the real day was a little too close to my due date to host that many people and then we will have Thanksgiving with my parents and mother in law on the actual day. 

4. Decorate and shop for Christmas. I usually don’t decorate until the weekend after Thanksgiving but will probably do it early this year so it will be done before baby comes. I also have Christmas shopping on my list because I don’t want to do that at the last minute with a newborn either! I actually got started this weekend and then am going to a big Christmas show/fair with my mom next week where I hope to knock lots of things off my list! 

5. Maybe have a baby?! I don’t want to put too much on my list for this month since Madeline was early. Haha! If he sticks it out through the month of November then that will be first on my to-do list for December. 😉 

What do you have planned for the month? 


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