5 Goals for November

5 goals for November calendar

Happy Monday, friends.

Let me just say that I am so glad that November is here. I love October and think Halloween is just so fun – especially as a mom. But, this was the Halloween that just would not end. Madeline had her class party last Wednesday, actual Halloween last Thursday, and then our neighborhood’s Halloween party and trick-or-treating was rescheduled to last Friday since it stormed here on Halloween.

Three days of Halloween with a three year old is quite enough for me.

Obviously Madeline picked our her own costume and if it is not the most Madeline thing I have ever seen, then I don’t know what is.

Its been a while since I have shared a monthly goals post. Summer at home and then all the things that came after really got the best of my intentional goal setting. But, I’m attempting to get back at it, today. Here we go:

One. Decorate our home for Christmas. This is one of my favorite things to do and I plan to decorate early this year. I didn’t put most of our fall decor out this year because of our kitchen renovation, our trip in September, and then losing Corey’s mom. We have just had such a busy season but we could all use a little cheer so I am itching to get our decor up.

Two. Plan Connor’s first birthday party. I have already started planning it but I have a lot left to do and I would like to make a practice smash cake using an allergy friendly recipe ahead of time so that I know it will turn out right for the big day.

Three. Host Thanksgiving in our home. We usually host every other year but this is the first year that we will have a big holiday since learning about Connor’s allergy. I have already started researching everything we buy to see what is safe and what alternatives I need to come up with. It sounds like its going to be pretty exhausting (!) but I am determined to have a great meal for our family that is safe for my little boy, too.

Four. Enjoy a date night a week with my husband. Things have just been so busy for Corey and me the past six weeks since we learned about my mother-in-law’s cancer just days after returning from Italy and then all that happened immediately after. We have just been so exhausted and haven’t really gotten any time together since. Having been through this before, I think its especially important to intentionally prioritize your relationship during difficult times.

Five. Close out Beautycounter’s holiday season with a bang. This is the busiest time of year in my business and I am so thankful for it. I love helping clients give the give of safer beauty to friends and family and sharing our mission with new faces.

What are your goals for the month ahead?


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