Connor: Six Months

Our baby boy turned six months old last week. Half a year. Time is flying.

It feels that we have made it to the other side of life with a newborn and that we have survived adding another member to our family. I tried to cherish the newborn phase more this time knowing it is most likely my last. And I did. I really took in those sweet newborn baby snuggles and the time when they are only interested in their mama. But getting over that hump really helped bring some much needed predictably to our days.

Connor is the best baby.

Really. It’s amazing how our kids’ personalities showed themselves from the moment they entered the world. From the very day she was born, Madeline has been stubborn, loud, head strong, a go-getter.

Connor has been just so sweet and laid back. He is always happy and just goes with the flow. He got all his shenanigans out in the womb I guess when he flipped to breech at the last minute.

He sleeps twelve hours through the night and take three naps. (I feel guilty even typing that because I know we are just lucky). They’re varying lengths because he naps when we are on the go if his naptime falls during one of Madeline’s activities or preschool pickup or drop off. He naps during my Wednesday barre class and he naps while I work on Thursdays.

He is a thumb sucker and it is so darn cute.

He has started a few purées and so far he loves everything he’s tried except spinach. Even kale and peas. Sweet potatoes are a real hit.

He currently eats four times a day. We are planning to start weaning soonish and doing a combo of my freezer stash and Baby’s Only formula. I’m not quite sure when I’ll be ready but I know I’m getting there.

Connor loves to smile and laugh. He is super ticklish and loves baths. He has just started using his bath seat and taking his baths with Madeline and he thinks it is so fun. She makes him laugh.

He really loves his big sister and Madeline loves him too.

He puts himself to sleep but rocking him for a few minutes at bedtime is my favorite. I didn’t even mind when he was waking up one time to nurse because those baby cuddles in the rocker are the best.

He can roll over but rarely uses that skill unless it’s to get out of tummy time. He just learned to sit independently for 10-15 seconds.

Right now his eyes are a dark blue with a hint of green and it looks like his hair might stay dark. We will stay tuned! Big sister’s hair started out super dark too.

He is the answer to many prayers and our family feels so complete with this sweet boy!


1 Comment

  1. June 12, 2019 / 1:21 pm

    Happy 6 months to a cute little guy!!! Isn’t it crazy how your perception changes when you know it’s likely your last baby? Mieke is our last, and I’m savoring every second of it, which actually makes things so much sweeter this time around. In fact, the newborn phase just feels less daunting all around. He looks like such a happy baby!

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