Coffee + Conversation

Happy Monday, friends.

I took last week off from all things blogging and social media after the culmination of the One Room Challenge just so that I could relax and rest. This has been such a busy season in our family and a little down time was much needed.

I feel like today we are just encouraged to go, go, go and it can be just completely exhausting. When it feels like I have too much on my plate, taking a step back is always so helpful and refreshing.

A little break was so nice and gave me some time to just focus on my kids and enjoy some play dates instead of constantly bouncing from appointment to appointment.

We got Madeline’s fall school pictures back last week and I just love this one. She looks like such a big girl! No baby or toddler left at all, which is so bittersweet. Three has been challenging and overall this whole year has been tough for so many reasons. But, at the same time, I just love this age so much! I wrote a little more about what I love about three here but I sure hope I don’t forget how imaginative she is or how she gets excited about even the littlest things. Equal parts sweet and sass this one is.

Connor turned eleven months old two weeks ago. I cannot even believe it. This year has just flown by and we are prepping for his first birthday in a couple weeks. I can’t wait to celebrate him – what a blessing he has been to us this year. He is just the sweetest, cuddliest, most loving little guy. He was just what we needed in this season of our lives.

We have a Little Blue Truck themed party in the works for him since he just loves reading that book and all animals. I’m super excited to see him smash into his tiny little cake because this little love just loves to eat!

Since he can’t eat anything baked in a commercial bakery, I’ll be making his cake. Hopefully it turns out cute.

Madeline and Corey had a date night this weekend to a daddy-daughter dance. It was so cute and I love that she is old enough for things like this now. I’m not sure which one was the most excited about their date but I thought it was so sweet watching Corey get dressed up in a suit to take her out and Madeline requested that I blow dry and curl her hair so she would be extra pretty. Now getting her to sit still long enough to curl it did not actually work out (ha!) but its the thought that counts, right?

Now that the kitchen is all finished, I have been focusing on the play room. Back in the spring Corey gave up his home office so that Madeline could use it as her play room. For the last six months it has just had left over furniture and art in it but I am trying to focus a little more on making it a warm, cute space for her and Connor to play. First up was finding the right art. My friend painted these water colors for me. The tiger and bunny are my kids’ lovies. My friend will be uploading prints of them to her Etsy store and also taking orders for other custom art. You can find her here.

This week I am deep cleaning my house before pulling out all the Christmas decor. I started doing this the week of my birthday last year and loved having everything up for longer so I’m officially a convert to decorating early. Are you team before or after Thanksgiving for decorating?



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