Wednesday Coffeetalk

Happy Wednesday, friends. I hope you all are having a good week and have some fun plans for the holiday tomorrow. Our neighborhood always does a parade with the kids. They decorate their bikes and wagons and strollers and then parade to the pool, where we have a big cookout. It’s a nice, laid-back way to spend the day.

I am really looking forward to a relaxing day and to having Corey home for the rest of the week. We have a few projects we need to get checked off our list at home – like swapping out the sand in Madeline’s sandbox and giving it a good cleaning, finishing up organizing the bookshelves in Corey’s new office space, and trimming up a few trees and shrubs that need it outdoors.

We don’t have any other plans for the long weekend because we both just kind of need a breather. I shared a little last week about how things have just felt hard lately. I know it’s all just a season and perspective is so important in these things but it can really be a struggle when things just don’t seem to be going your way.

Motherhood is tough, y’all.

I’m really looking forward to having no where to be at any certain time, an extra set of hands for my little ones, and just relaxing with my husband for a few days. That’s some good stuff for the long weekend.

In other news, summer has for sure arrived in North Carolina. It’s been in the 90’s all week with what feels like 100% humidity. You know it’s summertime in the South when your toddler says it’s too hot for the pool.

We have been surviving the heat by filling up the baby pool inside the screened in porch and letting the little ones splash around and by making popsicles. I just freeze organic strawberry yogurt tubes and Madeline thinks she’s getting ice cream.

I snagged a few great things on Amazon recently. Because that’s pretty much the only place I shop for myself these days. I am loving this super comfy black romper (it feels like I’m wearing pajamas) and these shorts. They are such a dupe for Lululemon shorts for a fraction of the price. I’m pretty much living in running shorts and my favorite tanks in this weather!

I have been reading Emily Giffin’s most recent book, All We Ever Wanted, this summer and am almost finished. As always, she did a great job and it was super thought-provoking, especially as a mom raising kids in a technology-rich world. Now, I need to choose my next read. What have you all read lately that you loved?

Beautycounter is having a big sale for the Fourth where we are offering some free from harmful ingredients freebies in celebration of our country’s freedom. Its a great time to try us out for the first time if you have been looking to try some safer products. You can email me here with any questions about safer beauty.

We are still waiting on more answers and some specifics so I wont share any more just yet but if I could ask for prayers and positive vibes for my sweet little Connor, we would all be so very grateful!

I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful 4th! I am so very grateful for this country and to be able to raise my babies in a free land!



  1. July 3, 2019 / 5:26 pm

    Okay, the neighborhood parade sounds completely adorable! Have a great day tomorrow. Sounds wonderful to me!

  2. July 4, 2019 / 9:16 am

    Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear about all that’s been going on lately. I missed your previous post. It is so true that it really seems like when it rains, it POURS. I love your practice of focusing on the positives and the big picture, but know that it’s still ok to feel just plain old “bleh” sometimes. We all do. And you do deserve it after that tough week! I hope things turn around and start to look up (I know they will), and I’ll be sending prayers your way for your little guy. Hugs!

  3. July 7, 2019 / 12:21 am

    Sending prayers for Connor! And for strength for you all.
    I loved All We Ever Wanted-so thought provoking and I’m sure even more so as a mother!

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