5 Goals for July

Good morning, friends, and happy….July! I am writing this in real time this morning and I just cannot believe that it is July. I feel this way at the start of every month but it just feels like time is flying this year.

This week we have no camps or classes or activities and Madeline, Connor, and I are all laying in my bed in our pajamas right now. Everyone was up a little early this morning but I am not hating having this relaxing time together. No rushing to get everyone fed and dressed and out the door. Well, except for my husband who left for Virginia early this morning.

The m0nth of June was fairly busy for us but July is a little more laid back and I look forward to spending lots of time at the pool and splash pad and play dates with friends.

Let’s dive into my goals for this month.

  1. Finish firming up all the plans for mine and Corey’s trip this fall. We are going on an adult’s only vacation for eight days. This is the longest I have ever been away since having Madeline. I’m both super excited and also a little terrified to leave my children for that long. I know we are truly fortunate to have the two grandmothers willing to love on our babies during this time so we can get away together, though, so I’m going to try not to complain about how much I’ll miss them!”
  2. Celebrate the launch of Beautycounter‘s new line with my team, finish up my training on it, and host two socials so that some local ladies can try it out for themselves. This is such an exciting time for our company as we make the move away from single use plastic to more glass and add in a new anti-aging line that Women’s Wear Daily touted as a rival in effectiveness for La Mer!
  3. Finish up Madeline and Connor’s playroom project. Corey gave up his office so that we could make it their playroom and I worked hard on the arrangement of this space last month and then just left it. It still has a long way to go to become a cute little space for them but has made our home so much more functional already! I really want to make a cute gallery wall of some of my favorite candid photos of them so that is my goal for this month. And it might take all month long because hanging a gallery wall is pretty much the worst!
  4. Finish Madeline’s dollhouse. If you caught this on Instagram then you know I’ve been hard at work on this little project and its about 95% complete. Or at least as complete as it will be for the time being. I bought her the cute little Magnolia dollhouse on a local mom group and then she and I painted it, stained the woodwork, added some wallpaper, and laid hardwood tile. It was so fun to work on this together and she is loving this new home for her little Calico Critters bunny family. Being a girl mom was super fun this past month.
  5. Clean out all the clothes both kids have grown out of. I get super emotional every single time I complete this task – which is about twice a year. I always sell Madeline’s clothes in our local mom group and then donate anything that doesn’t sell so I need to go through her cool weather items (and Connor’s, too!) to sell. Since we’ve shuffled our whole house around for our playroom project, I’ve been going through closets. Last month I tackled donating most of my teaching items to some brand new teachers in the area. This month – all the kids clothes! Purging feels so good but is so much work!

Let’s chat: What is on your to-do list for the month?



  1. July 1, 2019 / 8:48 am

    We turned our office into a playroom too – best decision ever!! It’s so nice to have a separate space downstairs for all the toys!

  2. Southern & Style
    July 1, 2019 / 12:55 pm

    Oh man, that last part of your to-do list really got my attention! I need to do that with Charlie’s clothes as well, although I’m letting a friend borrow some of his things as he outgrows them because I’m not ready to really let go yet-hopefully there will be more babies in our future!

    I also really need to go through the last of my teaching things that I’ve held onto and find out if any local teachers want them before the school year starts. They’re just taking up space in my basement!

    xoxo, Jordyn

  3. July 1, 2019 / 4:27 pm

    Ooh, would love to see more of the dollhouse. Hehe I had always wanted one as a kid and I’m still so in love with them even now!!

  4. Kristy
    July 3, 2019 / 8:45 am

    just get the Command velcro stickies and stick all your gallery stuff up that way. so much easier!!!

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