Coffee + Conversation

Good morning and happy Monday, friends.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. The past month has been pretty busy around these parts, hence my absence. Its been a super busy season for Corey at work, which has left me to run our household by myself. I’ve been reworking our schedule over and over again to try to find the perfect balance of time with both kids, chores around the house, work with Beautycounter, time to attend my favorite workout classes, blogging, and just alllll the things. Who would’ve thought one little baby could cause so much change in our schedule?!

Speaking of that sweet little baby, he turned four months old last week.

I mean, how cute is he? Connor is such a happy baby. He is so much more laid back than his big sister was and just kind of goes with the flow. He likes to be with his mama and so long as he’s allowed to nap when he needs it and is fed then he is a happy boy. We are so thankful for him. Being an easy baby is just the cherry on top. But boy is it refreshing after doing our time with a difficult newborn when Madeline was a baby.

And speaking of Madeline, all her dreams came true yesterday when we took her to Daniel Tiger Live. We left Connor at home with our wonderful babysitter and gave her our full undivided attention. She had just the best time and kept saying “Mommy, is he really real? Is Daniel really here?” It was the sweetest. 

She also got her very first haircut a couple weeks ago. She was adamant that she wanted just a trim. Just like her mama, she wasn’t up for anything drastic. 

We had just the weirdest winter in Charlotte this year where is rained a ton but never stayed too cold consistently and it never snowed. Until last week. We went from sixty degrees one day to snowing the next and then almost seventy degrees again the following day. But now it seems that spring might finally be here to stay.

My favorite thing about spring is the clothes. I am just so excited to see Madeline in little sun dresses and jelly shoes and Connor’s fat little baby thighs peeking out of his rompers. And sandals for mama of course!

Today Connor and I are off to the mommy and baby class at our gym while big sis is in school.

I hope you all are having a great start to your week!



  1. LMW
    April 9, 2019 / 1:17 pm

    4 months has flown by so quickly! And I bet Daniel Tiger live was amazing.

  2. Life as the Mrs.
    April 9, 2019 / 3:02 pm

    So precious taking her to Daniel Tiger live with just you two! Brandon and I have found that, with two kids, alone time with each of them is so necessary. And I feel you on the schedule thing. I don't think I fully figured it out until Knox was around 18 months old and now that we're all good, it's going to be chaos again when Walker starts Kinder in August. You'll get there! 🙂

  3. Kristen Woolsey
    April 9, 2019 / 4:05 pm

    Great to hear from you! I know you've got your hands full. Connor is about the cutest thing ever!! Look at those sweet cheeks. My inlaws live close to Charlotte and they were saying how weird it was to go from a warm day to snow the next! -Kristen

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