Connor Robert: 3 months

I can’t believe three months with our little boy have already passed. Some days are long but the weeks and months are flying by so I am still trying to soak up and savor these moments where he is tiny, even on the hard days, because I know they will be gone forever all to soon.

What a different baby he is from his head-strong, sassy, very independent big sister. If I’m being totally honest it is really refreshing to have an easier baby this go round. I wouldn’t change a thing about Madeline and love her strong-willed personality but boy am I glad not to have a double dose of that in our house. 

With Madeline everything was hard. Nursing was such a challenge. She was such a bad sleeper – at three months old she would only go to sleep with the perfect combination of bouncing/jiggling, shushing, stroking her forehead, and holding the paci in with my teeth by doing all of that at once. She had colic and terrible reflux and making sure she was gaining enough weight was a constant battle.

Connor is much more relaxed of a baby, which is great because he’s just kind of along for the ride. He tags along for preschool drop off and pickup, soccer and ballet, and play dates. What a sweet boy! 

He is still exclusively breast fed and I’m going to share a post about some things that have made that so much easier this time. He is a bigger baby who has gained weight so much easier. This has relieved a lot of the stress we felt with Madeline at this age. He was almost thirteen pounds at his two month checkup so my guess is that he is approaching fifteen now. He has rolls for days and I love it. 

We just transitioned Connor from the bassinet in our room to his crib and he didn’t skip a beat, although he slept in he Dock a Tot in both so that made the transition much easier, at least until we try to take that away in a month or two! 

Right now he goes to sleep at 7:30 and will give me a six hour stretch. I’m happy with that for his age but waking up in the middle of the night is way harder the second time around! 

Our days are less scheduled and regimented than they were with Madeline at this age. She really thrived on a strict schedule. I’m grateful he is more laid back because his ideal nap times always coincide with the times we absolutely have to go somewhere – like to pick Madeline up from school.

He loves his bouncy seat, swing, and bath time. Tummy time and his play mat are growing on him a little bit. Snuggles are his favorite and if he is being held he is happy so he spends a lot of time in the K’tan and Ergo. 

Now, let’s chat about some of the items that have made these first few months with him easier (you can see the items I bought for a second baby here). 

1. K’tan/Ergo: I use both of these all the time. I didn’t wear Madeline that often but it is essential for a second baby. He just tags along to the park and play dates and is happy as can be in either of these carriers. I wear the K’tan a ton at home to get things done and keep the Ergo in my car. I have the infant insert for the Ergo to keep him snug and safe.

2. Binxy Baby hammock. I knew I would love this thing and it has lived up to all my expectations. Target trips without this would be impossible. Madeline sits in the cart seat and I attach the hammock over the basket to hold Connor’s car seat. It attaches securely to the cart and his seat so I feel safe with him in there and still have room for groceries below.

3. LectroFan. I love this tiny sound machine. I have a Dohm in both children’s rooms and used this mini on the go sound machine a lot in the early days with both. But, because Connor has to tag along to really loud places like Madeline’s classes and my workout class at the gym, I love that this one can get much louder (when I need it to). It has lots of white noise sounds to choose from – we prefer the one that sounds like a fan and it’s rechargeable so I will never have to worry about running down the batteries. 

4. Bounce Seat. Connor loves this thing and it was only $20. I never had one for Madeline but with him being the second baby it is perfect for entertaining him long enough for me to prep dinner or take a quick shower. I love that I can move it all over the house with me. 

5. Dock-a-Tot. I didn’t purchase this when Madeline was a baby because they are so expensive and it just didn’t seem necessary. I don’t know if it would have made a difference in her sleep but Connor seems to really like it. I think it makes him feel like he’s being snuggled. I also love that I can move it around the house. He slept in it in the bassinet in our room at night and then in his crib for naps for a long time before we completely moved him to his crib last week. It’s almost time to transition him out of it and I know it will be hard for both of us! 


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