22-26 Week Bumpdate

Happy Friday, friends! This week has been a busy one as Madeline started back to preschool (just two hours at a time this week) and I delved into alllll the projects at home. I’m technically 26 weeks, 6 days right now but I typed this out earlier in the week so we will still call it a 26 week bumpdate and it will be my last one of the second trimester. Things are getting real!

How far along: 26 weeks (less than 90 days to go!)

Baby is the size of: a rutabaga

Weight gain: 18 pounds. I’ve gained more weight much faster this time, which is so interesting to me because I’ve eaten healthy most of the time and have stayed much more active. Not that I am worrying over a number, I have just found how totally different this pregnancy has been in almost every way from my first one so fascinating. Pregnancy is such a mystery sometimes!

Symptoms: Exhaustion, back pain, bigger boobs (yay!)

Cravings: I’m still craving lots of fruit but some cravings for sweets have kicked in the past couple weeks. Trader Joe’s makes these teeny tiny little ice cream cones dipped in chocolate so that you just get a little taste of everything. They have been magical for my sweet tooth that has kicked in.

Eating lately: I am loving salads with lots of vegetables and tacos. I have been eating three meals with lots more snacks than usual instead of my regular five small meals. Just because of laziness, though, and not doing my usual meal planning and prep. I am really hoping to get back to my normal routine next week when Madeline has her first full week of school.

Exercise: I am exercising 5-6 days a week depending on the week. I’m planning to share my second trimester workout routine in more depth next week. I’m starting to have to modify a little and am also looking forward to being able to get back to my regular gym for cardio with the start of preschool.

Baby’s movement: Baby’s movements have become a little smaller lately – so much so that it worried me enough to call my doctor. But it turns out he has just changed position and isn’t able to make as large of and as forceful of kicks and movements now that he is bigger.

Wearing lately: I can only wear maternity pants now. I am wearing these maternity leggings to workout and these tops are some of my favorite. I have a few pairs of maternity shorts that are hand me downs and I pair them with these tees, these, and these non-maternity tanks. I am SO ready for fall weather, though, because most of my maternity clothes are for fall weather and I am ready to be able to pull out some cute outfits instead of just making what I have work because I’m too stubborn to purchase any new warm weather maternity clothes!

Sleep: What is that?! Haha! I am just so uncomfortable that I toss and turn most of the night. My back is killing me and I am waking up so stiff. The snoogle helps quite a bit but I’m still pretty uncomfortable. Hoping that improves a little soon.

Stretch marks: Nope – still loving my belly butter and oil.

Belly button in or out: In

Highs/lows: Highs have been taking Madeline to the beach and spending a little one on one time with her before going back to school. I am so excited to get back into our regular routine but I also know that baby boy will be here before we know it and she won’t get my undivided attention anymore soon enough.

No real lows this month except just feeling worn out and I feel like my hormones have been going crazy so I have been wayyyy more emotional than usual, which Corey would gladly attest to. Pregnancy is a lot more exhausting the second time around for me!

Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery this month. Did you catch my inspiration board here?

Here’s a little side-by-side of me at 26 weeks with Madeline and with Baby Boy. You can read Madeline’s 22-26 week bumpdate here.



  1. Life as the Mrs.
    September 7, 2018 / 12:27 pm

    You are looking amazing!

  2. Anonymous
    September 7, 2018 / 4:34 pm

    Gosh you really have a growing little boy in there! You look GREAT – a 'neat' bump as we say here 🙂 It's no wonder you are struggling with sleep – hormones mess with you like that – the nightmares are the worst! I hope Madeleine is enjoying nursery? Enjoy those precious two hours (isn't it amazing what we can get through when we can focus haha!). Have a lovely weekend – Joanne x

  3. LMW
    September 10, 2018 / 7:07 pm

    You look so happy and growing a sweet baby boy!

  4. Steph Marrs at Magnolia Stripes
    September 11, 2018 / 4:41 pm

    LOVING your bumpdates! As someone who's looking to that next phase, this is so helpful to know what to expect!Steph | Magnolia Stripeswww.magnoliastripes.com

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