Bumpdate:Weeks 23-26

How far along? 26 weeks. Baby is about 14ish inches and approaching two pounds. Only two weeks to go till the third trimester.

Weight gain: About ten pounds. 

Cravings: Lots of veggies, fresh fruit and milk and cookies.

Anything making me nauseas/queasy? Lots of things but nothing predictable. I will be talking about wanting something specific for dinner and then by the next day the thought of that food grosses me out. 

Stretch marks: Not yet. Still applying Bio Oil and Belly Butter every day both morning and night. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. I am wearing several maternity tops and maternity t-shirts for under cardigans and scarves and such. I can still wear a number of regular dresses and tunics. I have been wearing maternity leggings at every opportunity but of course have real maternity pants for work.

Wedding rings on/off: On. 

Sleep: It is a little better than in past weeks but I’m also dead tired every night after work so I am sure that helps. There are many nights I go to bed before 9:00. 

24 weeks

Exercise: I’m still walking and doing 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme yoga. I feel much looser, though, so I am ready to get back into more intense workouts. I really admire women who are able to continue their regular workouts all the way through and honestly always thought I would be like that because I did have a really strong background in working out, but my body has been telling me I am overdoing it on a lot of days.

Movement: Yes! In the morning, mid afternoon, and bed time are Baby’s most active times. I can feel her movements getting much stronger and there have been a couple times I felt positive that I felt it on the outside but never in the evening when Corey was home. I’m really ready for him to be able to feel her, too.

Gender: Baby W is still a little girl – at least to our knowledge! We think we have a name but I just want to make sure we are positive before I share it. I’ll be sharing it on the blog, through, in a fun little collaboration I did with CheerCracker.

Symptoms: Exhaustion, bigger boobs, heightened sense of smell. Pretty typical symptoms. I’ve also started having some ligament pain and there were two days this week that my feet and ankles got terribly, painfully swollen. Apparently, I need to sit down more and drink more water. Hearing this made me have a complete meltdown and start to cry because these are two things that are just nearly impossible for teachers. I am now getting an extra restroom break so I am able to go every three hours but that isn’t really enough to start drinking more water and sitting down when you are in charge of 20-23 eight and nine year olds just isn’t going to happen. It did completely go away over the weekend when I could drink more water and take it a little easier but if anyone has other tips for dealing with swelling, they would be very much appreciated. 

Best moment this month: Seeing the nursery start to come together. All the big things are here but there is still much to do and we don’t have a lot of the “necessities” (mattress, monitors, changing pad) yet. I’ll be sharing it soon but if you missed my inspiration board, you can find that here.

23 weeks

Worst moment this month: I caught a stomach virus the night before Halloween. It was miserable. A child in my class had it and I ended up getting super sick and dehydrated. It did pass within 24 long, excruciating hours. By my follow up appointment two days later, all was back to normal and Baby didn’t seem as if she had been bothered by my around the clock sickness whatsoever.

Looking forward to: The Holidays. I’m really looking forward to the time off and spending some time with family.



  1. Lindsay // Vineyard Loveknots
    November 24, 2015 / 9:30 pm

    I am right there with you on the working out. I've been having ligament pain so taking it easy. That has been the biggest adjustment, I miss going to my regular cardio classes. Happy Thanksgiving! xo

  2. Hope @ Hope in a Blog
    November 25, 2015 / 12:47 am

    Yay for 26 weeks – you look great and glad you are going to get some good R&R with the holidays coming up :)! Love your white shirt on the first photo!! Where did you find that?!

  3. Regine Karpel
    December 8, 2015 / 12:02 am

    Can't wait to find out the name!www.rsrue.blogspot.com

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