Coffee + Conversation

Happy Monday, friends. We are having a slow morning around these parts after Madeline and I were both sick yesterday. It is 8:30 as I type this and we are both still in our pajamas, which never happens.

We had a nice weekend. Corey called Thursday late afternoon saying he had gotten on an earlier flight home and would land in just enough time to eat dinner and put Madeline too bed. It was a great surprise.

Madeline and I ran some errands on Friday and she kept requesting chicken nuggets and French fries everywhere we went. I find this SO funny because she has had French fries maybe five times in her entire life. So, Friday night Corey and I grilled burgers and I made a few dinosoar shapes nuggets for Madeline and sweet potato fries so that all of her chicken nugget and French fry dreams could come true.

Saturday was a busy day. We had a birthday party for one of her little friends. In true Elizabeth-form I waited until the last minute to shop for a present and Toys R Us was packed from the announcement that they are closing. How sad is that? Especially those of you who are like me and grew up going back in the day when it was amazing. 

In the afternoon, our friends hosted a cornhole tournament. They host this every St. Patrick’s day and make corned beef and barbecue. We took Madeline with us but after about an hour she just didn’t look right to me so I brought her home. Of course, she perked right back up and was happy as could be. 

After a good bit of coughing in the night, I scheduled her an appointment for the morning. If any of you are in Charlotte, you are going to love this. There is a company here of Pediateic Nurse Practitioners that do house calls. So I made the appointment in the wee hours of the morning and by 10:30 am there was a nurse practitioner to the rescue at my front door on a Sunday morning. Poor girl has her first ever ear infection (caused by the coughing and congestion) and an antibiotic was called in for pickup an hour later. Oh, and they take insurance. All the praise hand emojis.

We already had some out of town friends coming over for lunch so my mother in law picked up sandwiches and salads from Fresh Market for us to enjoy outside on the porch. The weather was beautiful yesterday. 

Then Madeline had her first dose of antibiotics in time for a nap. Shortly after putting her down I was hit with the absolute worst headache I have had in years so I did something I absolutely never do and took a nap myself. After long naps (for both of us), a good night’s sleep (we both overslept), and two doses of antibiotics for Madeline we are both feeling pretty much back to normal today and have absolutely nothing planned! 

Happy Monday, friends! 



  1. LMW
    March 19, 2018 / 3:31 pm

    I wish we had the on call thing here. We do have a great pediatric urgent care that takes insurance and bills like a regular visit, so that's a plus. E has so many ear infections, we have had two sets of tubes and adenoids out. Hope she feeling better.

  2. Felicity
    March 19, 2018 / 4:10 pm

    I hope Madeline feels better soon! That's awesome about the NPs. I live in Canada and because we have universal health care, our doctors and NPs are so overrun that the only way you're getting a house visit is if you're in palliative care or literally no way to get out of the house.Felicity |

  3. Emily at 'a little bit of Emily'
    March 19, 2018 / 8:10 pm

    That stinks you guys both got sick this weekend. Hope you are back to 100%!

  4. Life as the Mrs.
    March 19, 2018 / 8:38 pm

    I'm so sorry y'all got sick, but what an excellent service! DFW needs to get on board with that. I love how they used to make house calls in "the old days," and they need to bring it back! Also, I'm SO sad about Toys 'R' Us. It just breaks my heart! (Although Brandon and I have talked about going to get some Christmas gifts on the cheap super early…) Hope your week gets much better! 🙂

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