5 on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!

I had a fun post planned for you yesterday and then the morning got away from me. Madeline woke up early and was so unhappyl so by the time I got her settled, us both dressed, her off to school, and me off to my doctor’s appointment I’d lost any time to finish it up. So, stay tuned next week.


Madeline’s social calendar has been so full this month. She has had play date after play date after birthday party and I’m not hating it. It has made this month fly by. Here she is waiting on her little boy friend to yesterday. 


Our sweet Riley turned eight years old yesterday. We celebrated him with his usual pup cake and Madeline sang him the cutest rendition of Happy Birthdah. We sure do love this fluffy guy! 


On the note of Riley, he was diagnosed with arthritis this week, too, right before his birthday. It was actually kind of a relief to me because my mind was going all sorts of terrible places when he started having pain climbing the stairs and trouble jumping on and off the bed a couple weeks ago that progressively got worse. Then, of course the day of his appointment, he was running up and down the stairs fetching all his toys as spry as can be. The vet said it’s very typical of dogs his age (cue alll the tears because he is getting older) and prescribed him so medicine for days he is in pain. If anyone’s dog has to deal with this send your best tips for keeping them happy my way. 


The weather in North Carolina has been insane this week. It was colder again the first of the week, snowed on Wednesday, was super windy yesterday morning, then the day ended with nice, warm, sunny weather. 


We have a fun St. Patrick’s Day planned. Tonight we are just relaxing at home – Corey just got in from his work trip last night. Then, Saturday one of Madeline’s little friends has a birthday party and we will be going straight from that to our friends’ annual cornbeef and cornhole tournament that they have every year for St. Patrick’s day. It looks like the crazy North Carolina weather is going to hold out.

What fun things does everyone have planned for this weekend?



  1. LMW
    March 16, 2018 / 3:33 pm

    Bless you and the weather this week. Hang in there. Sweet Madeline and her social calendar. Love it. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Just Jess
    March 16, 2018 / 4:58 pm

    Yes, NC's weather has been crazy! Snow for us on Monday and then gorgeous Spring day yesterday and today.

  3. Life as the Mrs.
    March 16, 2018 / 6:42 pm

    Madeline and her little social calendar — I love it! 🙂

  4. Kristen
    March 19, 2018 / 12:58 pm

    Poor Riley! Our vet mentioned for us to start giving the dogs Dasquin. Sammy is also 8, but he still moves around fine. Rory is almost 5 and she has more issues because of her hips.

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