Quick + Healthy: Pineapple Teriyaki Stirfry

Every week I try to meal plan for at least three dinners, depending on our schedule. It’s really important to me that we eat healthy, clean meals. I want Corey and I to be healthy, to have a toolbox of tried and true clean meals to share with clients, and to set a good example for Madeline. She wants to eat what we want to eat. We have to lead by example.

But…I am only human and I am busy. Some times I fail to plan. Like last week when I completely forgot to enter our grocery order on Sunday and then by Monday  morning the first available pick up was early afternoon. Ugh.

I love crockpot meals for Mondays because I tutor at 5:30. That way, Corey or my mother-in-law don’t have to worry about cooking dinner when they are getting Madeline ready for bed. Well, my plan for crockpot chicken taco salads went out the window with the late pickup so I decided to try a quick and easy stir fry that I made up in my head as I went along.

Have you ever tried these Aidells’ chicken meatballs? They have them at our grocery store and I’ve gotten them in bulk at Costco then frozen them before as well. They are good and there are lots of other flavors to choose from, too.

So, to make this meal, slice up a bell pepper and onion. I also had some pre-chopped broccoli florets as well. Then, heat a little coconut oil or sesame seed oil in a large pan or wok. 

Sauté veggies with a clove of minced garlic for 1-2 minutes then add in meatballs and 1/4 cup of this soyaki sauce. 

I get a lot of questions about teriyaki and soy sauce from clients doing the 21 Day Fix. They are technically not allowed. Here is a great recipe for clean teriyaki and you can sub in pure aminos for soy sauce. Personally, I think the Trader Joe’s soyaki is fairly clean and much easier than making my own so I use it in our household. Everything in moderation. 

The meatballs are already cooked so you are really just warming them through. I let them simmer until they are warmed throughout then add in some diced pineapple and cook for 2-3 minutes, just until it is warm. 

Serve over quinoa, brown rice, or with a side Asian salad.

This recipe doesn’t really require measuring or any actual kitchen skills, but here is your grocery list:

  • Aidells pineapple teriyaki meatballs
  • Bell pepper
  • Onion
  • Broccoli 
  • Diced pineapple
  • 1 clove of garlic 
  • Teriyaki sauce (TJ’s preferred)
  • Brown rice/quinoa/salad if desired 

What are your favorite easy but healthy meals?



  1. Heather Hawkins
    February 22, 2017 / 4:15 pm

    oh wow, this looks SO yummy… I will have to try to hunt these meatballs down 🙂

  2. Chris Jordan
    June 14, 2018 / 11:17 am

    We must each ask ourselves if we are modeling the importance of a healthy lifestyle to our children. If we do not show them how to care for themselves, they will likely turn to the food corporations instead. How will they know the difference between real food, "food like" substances?amaira intimate lightening serum reviews

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