Things I want to remember about three.

Since we are all friends here, I’ll admit that three has been the most challenging age we have experienced thus far since becoming parents. We never really hit the terrible two’s but threes have really rocked my world like I never imagined. My Madeline is so strong willed and very stubborn. She is head strong and deeply creative. She is also so passionate, kind, and caring. She is everything I ever dreamed of but she also exhausts me every day.

Yet, three is also so very magical. While this season makes me so tired, I love it so much at the same time and want to soak in everything about Madeline just as she is in this moment. Every day Madeline is getting older and losing all that baby and toddler essence and turning into a child instead. I simultaneously love watching her grow and learn while my heart breaks at the same time because she is just not a baby anymore.

While the days are long, the months and years truly are so very short.  There are some things I really want to remember about right now – when my sweet girl is three.

Sweet Madeline,

I want to remember the sprinkling of freckles across your nose. It started with just one on your wrist last spring in the exact spot I have one. Then, one popped up over night on your nose last summer. As the weather started to warm up this year, they multiplied, appearing one by one. I’m freckly, too. And so is Daddy. I love everything about those tiny freckles dancing across your nose.

That you insist on wearing a tutu with your soccer jersey. I want to remember how you have entered the phase of dressing yourself. I love that when we get dressed in your shorts and jersey for soccer you insist on wearing your pink tutu until the very last minute. Just as you insist on wearing two different shoes – both on the wrong feet. You are such an independent girl.

I want to remember that you aren’t old enough to care what anyone thinks yet. You are happy to spend the whole day running errands in your swim goggles or mini mouse hat. You don’t think twice about going out to dinner in a fairy costume or wearing your Belle dress to ride your bike. That when we were getting ready to leave for the pool you appeared wearing your swimsuit, Elsa dress up shoes, and a tiara and said you were ready to go.

I want to remember the way you request a mommy snuggle at bedtime every night. There are nights when I am just completely exhausted. If Daddy is home sometimes he will put you to bed while I finish feeding Connor. There have been moments where I breathed a sigh of relief that your light was off and your door was closed when I was finished just because I was so tired. But I also love how that is really just a game – you never go to bed with out Mommy coming in to snuggle and sing you the countdown song from Daniel Tiger.

That you love the books Dragons Love Tacos and Knuffle Bunny the most. Reading them never gets old. I secretly love reading that pair as much as you do. I love that you cheer Trixie on so passionately as she searches for her lost bunny because you could never imagine losing your own Bun Bun. And I love how your laugh out loud at Dragons Love Tacos and totally get the humor while also insisting that no one in our house eat hot salsa on their tacos every again.

I want to remember how much you love school and your teachers and your friends. When I applied for you to begin preschool I toured and researched so many schools around town trying to find the perfect place for you. I totally got that warm, fuzzy feeling when I visited your school and I didn’t even apply anywhere else. I knew that was where you belonged and you love your teachers and friends you’ve made there so fiercely.

How you are constantly singing songs from Daniel Tiger or cartoons as you go throughout the day. I am not the least bit musical so I know you do not get this from me, which makes me love it all the more. Its such a sweet reminder of how you are the perfect mix of me and your Daddy. I especially love hearing you sing when he is away because he loves to sing and hum, too.

I want to remember your creativity and how you love to pretend. I really hope you never lose your imagination. I love watching you play pretend and listening to the things you come up with. I am so amazed by you daily.

That you kiss your Bun Bun goodbye with the sweetest most tender kiss when you leave and that he is always tucked under your arm before you go to sleep at night. That is one loved rabbit and I would probably go to the ends of the earth for that bunny just because you love him so very much.

I want to remember that you truly notice the beauty around you – the leaves on the trees and the birds singing. I love how when you are being quiet in the car that I will call back to check on you and ask you what you are doing and that you will often respond by telling me that you were looking at the trees or a cloud in the sky that looks like an elephant, or listening to the bird chirp.

How much you love being a helper and a “big girl.” You have really shined in this role since becoming a big sister and I am so proud of you.

I want to remember the excitement you felt when I bought you and your Bitty Baby matching dresses and how you had to show everyone all day long. I love that you love matching your doll and that you love matching me. I hope that doesn’t change for a long, long time.

The love you have for your baby brother. You have exceeded all the hopes and dreams I ever had for the two of you together. I couldn’t have even imagined you being any sweeter than you are and you are truly the best big sister. I want to remember how you ask to hold him every morning, how you pat his tummy if he is being fussy, that you love to tickle him to make him laugh, you get excited every time you see him, and how you hug and kiss him goodnight before all of his naps and bedtime.

Three is exhausting but it is also so very amazing and I hope I don’t ever forget it.


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