8 Years.

If someone were to ask me for some words of wisdom on marriage today, as Corey and I celebrate our eighth anniversary, I would tell them to choose a partner they wouldn’t mind being trapped in their home with for five months of quarantine.

I’m kidding. Well, sort of.

You see, it has been a really long time since Corey and I have spent this much time together. It has been years since he was home every night for dinner. He began traveling during the week for work during our second year of marriage. It was such a blessing for our family in so many ways but boy did we both miss a lot with all those nights apart.

This is something I have really enjoyed about this season – having him home every night. Now, that’s not to say that there haven’t been moments of frustration because there is also a bit of reacclimatization as we get used to having another adult around all the time.

But, goodness, is it ever nice to be able to tag team bedtime. Or to clean the kitchen while Corey runs bath time. We work better together.

Thank God that we have each other – a teammate to do the hard things with and to lean on when life is a complete mess.

So, what words of wisdom do I have to share today – after eight years of marriage? Choose wisely. Pick a partner whose strengths balance your own, who you work better with as a team, and wh0 you would still like after spending every single day together for months on end! Love them fiercely – even on the days they drive you completely crazy.



  1. August 13, 2020 / 11:11 am

    Congrats on 8! Love your dress! Very sweet post. ❤️

  2. August 19, 2020 / 1:20 pm

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! You are so right with parting comments – marriage is kept strong by being steadfast, realising that there are bumps, off days, sharp words said without realising and still loving, being unwavering. You also get to understand each other and how to ‘handle’ the other person, not to take offence. Doesn’t age make us mellow too? In my 20s I was fiery and didn’t take any messing but it is not good for harmony should we say! Your photos are gorgeous from your wedding – hope your date night was wonderful!

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