Coffee + Conversation

Well, hello there. And happy Monday.

It’s been a while so let’s have a cup of coffee and play catch up, shall we. I have lot to share with you all – a nursery tour and a birth story, for example, but it’s a busy season and I’m running perpetually behind. 

To everything. 

In fact, we’ve been fifteen to twenty minutes late to preschool since the return of the winter break. Except one day. And that day taught me there are actually some advantages to rolling in at the last minute and not having to wait in the carpool line. Mainly that tiny babies don’t like to sit still in cars while you wait in line. 

January is a really big month in our company so I’ve been working when I can. I’ve had days where it seems impossible to fit it all in because no one is being cooperative. And days where both kids are being super cooperative but I am just utterly exhausted. And then days when I feel like I am superwoman because I’m handling them both, taking care of our home, and running a business. Those are truly the exception, though. 

But I’m still exhausted. Connor is already a month old. Almost six weeks old actually. He is such a different baby than Madeline. He is calmer and easier but also less independent so far. So pretty much everything I do involves me either holding or wearing him in the k’tan currently. 

I have to say I skipped out on all the end of year shopping sales this year since I can’t fit in my regular clothes yet and don’t know what size to buy in anything. Something I’ve been buying though (other than coffee)? The high waisted compression leggings from Old Navy. If you are planning to have a baby soon, do yourself a favor and get you some of these. They would be great for a traditional birth, too, but the high waisted support has been awesome post c-section. I got them in a size up from my usual and my regular size as well because I feel like I’m still going to want that support when exercising for awhile. 

I did get a cute sweater from the Lilly after party sale. I went in the day before and updated my account to make sure it had the proper payment and shipping information and then promptly forgot all about the sale the next morning. Mom brain? But when I finally remembered ten hours later, I was still able to get the sweater I wanted for such a steal. I’ll call that a win!

I promise to have a more coherent post up later in the week but in the mean time, if there are certain topics you’d love to hear my take on this year, I would really love if you would share them below. 

Happy Monday, friends. 



  1. LMW
    January 15, 2019 / 2:23 pm

    Hang in there mama. A new normal will happen soon.

  2. The Lucky Lifestyle
    January 15, 2019 / 2:28 pm

    You're doing great, momma! Only 20 minutes late with a newborn in tow? You rock! Got a shower and brushed your teeth? You win! I remember feeling like we'd never find our groove, but you do before you even know it's happening. <3

  3. Peyton Cline
    January 18, 2019 / 2:54 am

    Which sweater did you end up snagging from the sale? I had a hard time narrowing down everything I wanted!! I would love to see some quick and easy weeknight dinner recipes! Just discovered your blog and love it 💗

  4. peonies and a latte
    January 18, 2019 / 11:45 pm

    You are doing just fine! Those first months with a newborn are always tricky. What did you end up snagging from the sale? I forgot about this one.

  5. Anonymous
    January 20, 2019 / 5:24 pm

    You are doing so well keeping up with the blog and insta posts! So right too about late arrivals – I still drop C at the 11th hour and pick him up later – it saves an hour a day. Plus at that age, it's not as if you are dropping them late to work 😉 I remember how constantly exhausting it is – you will get through it. He is such a gorgeous baby by the way! J xx

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