5 Goals for September

Happy Labor Day! I hope you all have a fun day planned and are enjoying a little relaxation. We spent the last few days at the beach with Madeline and had such a fun time, even though it was hot! I sure hope the start of September means fall is around the corner because I am really looking forward to some cooler weather soon. 

I can’t believe September is here already but I’m not sad to see it either. Here are my five goals for the month: 

Finish the nursery! This is number one on my list. I have all the pieces except for a replacement light fixture and the handles I want to swap out for the dresser but now I need to put things together and hang art.

Rework my schedule. I’m a paper and pen planner type of girl for staying organized. Even so, it has certainly been a challenge over the summer with no reinforcements. Now that preschool is starting back, I am looking forward to a little extra time – at least for a couple months until Baby Boy arrives. I’m hoping to rework my time to make myself a little more efficient. 

Plan a mini babymoon with Corey. The last time we had a solo trip away was back in February even though we did enjoy time in New Hampshire and San Francisco for some weddings this summer. We love taking long weekends together just the two of us each quarter so I am excited to plan one last little weekend away in the next couple months before baby boy makes his debut.

Start sourcing and ordering items for Madeline’s big girl room transformation. I have a treat for you guys because I think I am going to share her room makeover as part of the One Room Challenge. I can’t wait to get started on this project as soon as the nursery is finished. 

Meal plan! This was the only goal from last month I didn’t fully accomplish. I did get back into the swing of cooking more but I still did a lot of flying by the seat of my pants. I’m hoping with the return of preschool I can get back into my regular routine with this because I feel like I spend way less money and eat much healthier when I plan our family’s meals out for the week ahead of time.

What are you hoping to accomplish this month? 


1 Comment

  1. Kristen Woolsey
    September 3, 2018 / 8:47 pm

    I can't wait to see the room transformations! I hope you get to do your babymoon, I think that is such a special treat before baby. Hope you had a great long weekend!Kristen // http://www.pugsandpearls.com

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