September Goals

I cannot believe that it is September but I am so very glad to see fall approaching. Madeline had her first day of preschool yesterday and we are back to music class today. It feels good to be back into some semblance of a routine because quite honestly, we’ve been flying a little by the seat of our pants since she dropped to one nap back in June.

One of my biggest goals for myself for the start of the “school year” is to be a little more intentional about my goals. I try to be fairly organized because I honestly could not accomplish mom-ing, working from home, and running our household otherwise. But, sometimes things that I hope to accomplish yet aren’t essential to our day-to-day functioning get pushed to the bottom of the list over and over.

This month, there are a few specific things I hope to accomplish.

+ organize our garage. I’m sorry that I won’t be sharing a before and after for you because I would certainly die before letting anyone see what it looks like now. I will just say that I am able to park in it so there are undoubtedly garages in worse-shape.

+ better fit blogging into my schedule. I hope that I can carve out a little time to be more consistent while Madeline is at pre-school to do this.

+ share more specifically about how I meal plan on Facebook and social media. This is definitely one of the top questions I get asked and y’all – eating healthy is so much easier than you may think!

+ purge my closet! Including costume jewelry I never wear. I’ve done a lot of shopping lately and because our closet is not huge by any means, it must be out with the old and in with the new.

+ better organize our master closet. Corey’s side can get a little crazy if I am not on top of my laundry game that week and then that becomes frustrating for us both! We always had his and her closets until this house. Sharing makes us both have to be neater but it also was kind of nice to have our own spaces since we both are pretty bad at closet organization.

+ finish up physical therapy! It has been 12 long weeks since my accident and I am told that this week *might* be my last week. Cue all of the praise hands! I’m so thankful for all of the progress of course, but it has been such an inconvenience to fit into our schedule because all of the appointments are at least two hours long and Madeline can’t come. So, I won’t be sad to walk out those doors for the last time!

+ take Mommy + Me photos with Madeline. These are already in the works and I am so excited to have a few pictures of me and my girl that I can be proud of. My mom and I had a gorgeous portrait together that hung in our hallway forever and I remember admiring it so much growing up. One thing about being a mom is you are often behind the camera and not in front of it – so I am making that a priority.

What are your goals for the month?



  1. Kristen Woolsey
    September 7, 2017 / 8:24 pm

    September is always a good month to start fresh! You can do it!

  2. Nicole @ Two and Two is 4
    September 9, 2017 / 12:47 am

    Great goals!!! I want to get back to my cleaning schedule because I've been slacking recently! I also want to get my house better organized. That's a goal I've been working on all year so far and haven't gotten as far as I'd like.

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