Coffee + Conversation

Happy Monday! After a busy couple weeks, I’m taking a minute with my coffee this morning to pop in and document what we’ve been up to this summer. We are in such a busy stage of life right now but it is really fun.

Madeline is loving playing in the pool this summer. It is one of her words. “Pooooooool,” she says every morning when she wakes up. Sometimes, we’ll fill up this little plastic $4 baby pool and let her splash around on the back deck. Sometimes we’ll go to our neighborhood pool our the pool at our country club. She is definitely a water baby. So much joy when she’s playing outside.

We have lots of cute matching outfits that we’ve been sporting this summer. I have a serious baby clothes problem. Whenever I buy us something that matches, I always get it for her in two sizes so this matching little set is from last year and I love seeing how much she has changed since she was swimming in the 3-6 month version last summer. 

I love this picture of Corey with Madeline and Riley. My sweet, sweet family. Riley is finally coming around to Madeline now that she is old enough to hand feed him cheerios, throw the ball for him, and chase him around the house.

I just got back from our company’s convention in New Orleans. I had never been before. We squeezed in a dinner out to Muriel’s and beignets from Cafe du Monde amidst our busy schedule and I was even able to grab a cocktail with my cousin in the few hours that our schedules overlapped.

These women are amazing. It was so much fun to spend a few days with them. We are on calls together every week but are spread out geographically so getting together in person was such a treat. 

We even got a few great workouts. This one was outside and 90 minutes long but we survived! It was definitely affirmation that I’ve been taking good care of my body over the last year.

I made it home to this sweet girl yesterday. I even took the first flight out in the morning so I could be reunited with her as soon as possible. Balancing family and work isn’t always easy. Its hard when you work at home because the boundaries can so easily get blurred but we’re almost a year in and the freedom has been pretty incredible. 

Now, I’m off to spend the day with my girl.  



  1. Emily at 'a little bit of Emily'
    July 17, 2017 / 5:58 pm

    Love your Lilly dress!

  2. Leslie
    July 18, 2017 / 5:40 pm

    It sounds like everything is going great, and kudos to you for balancing everything to work for you! 🙂

  3. Anonymous
    July 19, 2017 / 11:55 am

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  4. Nicole @ Two and Two is 4
    July 31, 2017 / 1:11 am

    My kiddos are water babies as well!!

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