Coffee + Conversation

Happy Monday morning. This is Spring Break for our local school district so we are looking forward to a slower-paced week around here since I have this week off of tutoring and Madeline’s music class.   I’m definitely not hating that. 

Corey was out of town for a friend’s bachelor party this weekend so I took advantage and went out for  girls’ night on Friday. I wore my favorite lace top that for some reason Corey hates but I just love, love, love. I met a few girlfriends at Foxcroft Wine Company and we enjoyed a light dinner, a couple glasses of wine, and several hours of catching up.

Then, on Saturday, I got my workout in (22 Minute Hard Corps) and got showered and dressed to take Madeline to meet a friend for an Easter festival. She did not participate in the egg hunt because I was terrified she would be trampled but she enjoyed a nice picnic lunch outside, some strawberry ice cream, and friend time.

On Saturday evening she enjoyed her last bottle. I am not sad to put the million Dr. Brown’s pieces away for good but I am a little sad that she is growing up so fast. I have really loved giving her her bottle every night. We slowly switched to sippy cups starting around 10 months but I hung on to this bedtime bottle. This girl loves her ba-ba so I was really worried about the transition affecting her sleep or it breaking her heart when she didn’t get her bottle last night. Well, it didn’t phase her at all. It was absolutely harder on me.

After she went to bed on Saturday, I tested out these two products. I’ve never used the R+F tanner before but I had had my nails done with this polish several times. I loved them both. I’ve tested out a lot of new beauty products lately so I’ll share a round-up soon.

Corey arrived home early Sunday morning. Then, we headed to a local nursery to pick out some flowers for our front porch. Madeline and I got the ferns at Lowe’s on Friday. When we came home, he played with Madeline and put her down for her nap while Riley and I removed the dead mums from the planters (yep, they were still there) and replaced them with pretty spring plants. I am loving this little spring refresh to our porch. 

Anyone feel like this? Last month’s free Crockpot + Clean Eating challenge was such a huge success. This month I am offering a 14 day free ab challenge – just in time for summer and swimsuit season. It will focus on nutrition and daily core exercises. Let me know in the comments if you are interested in joining – just make sure the reply feature is on or you leave an email address.



  1. Emily at 'a little bit of Emily'
    April 10, 2017 / 2:41 pm

    Isn't it funny that some of our favorite tops that we just love, guys are like no. Your front steps look great – love the fun touches of spring!

  2. Leslie
    April 10, 2017 / 4:41 pm

    Ha! That last picture is so funny! Your porch is looking great, and yay for a slightly slower week!

  3. StephTheBookworm
    April 10, 2017 / 7:27 pm

    Aw, your porch looks so pretty, and the cute dog definitely helps too. 🙂

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