Madeline Diaries – 10 Months

It’s hard to believe our girl is already ten months old. She is on an awesome schedule and we are enjoying our days. It’s nice to be in a predictable routine and I feel like we’ve fallen into a nice rhythm, which I appreciate since I am super Type A.

6:45-7 Madeline will wake up and have a bottle. Then, she will play. We usually stay downstairs until breakfast even though she is all over the place now and it is hard to contain her. I make my coffee and prepare my shake.

8:00 Madeline eats breakfast and I sit with her and drink my shake. She loves bananas, whole grain waffles, and oatmeal. 

We head upstairs to play after breakfast since it is easier to contain her.

9-11 Madeline takes a nap. We brush her teeth (she has four right now) and read a story before she goes into the crib.

While she is napping, I work out and get dressed and try to do laundry.

11:00 Madeline has a bottle then we usually go out for an errand or a walk. Some days we have play group during this time and on Tuesdays we sometimes go to Story Time at the library.

12:45 Madeline and I eat lunch together.

1:30- 3:00 Madeline takes a nap and I work for an hour or so then try to spend 15-20 minutes cleaning something. My down time is so scheduled to fit everything in but I turn on Netflix in the background so it works. 

3:00 Madeline wakes up between now and 3:30 and has a bottle. Sometimes we take an afternoon stroller walk if we didn’t earlier or play. 

4:30 We go downstairs to prep dinner. I put Madeline in her high chair next to me in the kitchen with some Cheerios or in the play pen (which I call Baby Jail) with some toys to contain her while I dice veggies or whatever I have to do to get started.  

5:10 Madeline eats dinner. She eats so early that we sit and talk with her but don’t eat with her yet. Sometimes she eats what we will be eating or what we ate the night before. She also really loves turkey meatballs in organic marinara, butternut squash mac n cheese, mini chicken pot pies, and pulled chicken with sweet potatoes and veggies.

On Mondays, I leave for work at 5:00 so my mother in law comes over to play with Madeline and put her to bed for the night.

5:45 Bath time! Corey does bath when he is home and I try to finish up dinner. 

6:00 Bottle in the nursery.

6:15 Teeth brushed and listening to a story. Then, we listen to the sweetest little Precious Moments prayer bear Madeline got for her baptism and into the crib she goes. I turn on a lullaby on the Sleep Sheep and she is usually asleep by the time it goes off on the 20 minute timer.

Sometimes Madeline will sit up in her crib and talk or play with her lovey for 10-15 minutes before she goes to sleep and just lays right down when she is ready. We worked so hard on her sleep because it was rough for about the first four months but I am so proud to report she is an amazing sleeper now. It is hard to believe she is almost a year old! 


1 Comment

  1. Ashley Carole (Sweet Carolina Belle)
    December 24, 2016 / 11:25 am

    Our schedule it so very similar. Even down to the 11am baby story time! I love having a predictable schedule for days that I am home. Love all the bows! Caroline has a few of the same ones. We can never get enough white ones because they always get lost or dirty!

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