2016 in Review

Well, another year is coming to a close and I think it’s safe to say that it was both the most exciting and challenging year yet. I’m eager to see what 2017 has in store but am also a little nostalgic to let go of what was such a special year for our family.

If you’ve been reading for a while then you know that 2015 was a very emotional and difficult year for our family. It was one that totally completely shattered our hearts and then, when we were the most heartbroken, surprised us in the best way possible with the news that Madeline was on the way. I’m happy to say that her long-awaited arrival this year was exactly what our family needed. In the midst of a lot of pain, she gave us something joyous and exciting to look forward to. What a year it has been! So, without further adieu, here is my 2016 in Review.


We rang in the new year with a quiet dinner with friends. I was entering my 8th month of pregnancy and in the final weeks of awaiting Madeline’s arrival.

We snuck away for a last minute babymoon at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island. 

My sweet, sweet grandmother passed away, just weeks before what would have been her 95th birthday. 

My family and close friends showered Madeline and me and we made the final preparations for her arrival. 


I got pretty excited for a week of much needed relaxation when my OB told me he would be writing me out of work due to swelling, and the fact that my work schedule didn’t allow any restroom breaks for this super pregnant lady!

But then, as I had just finished grading my last set of papers before maternity leave started, my water broke two weeks early and Madeline was on her way!

We welcomed our precious daughter on February 17, 2016 at 2:33 in the afternoon.

Ten days later, I experienced an extremely dangerous and rare type of postpartum hemhorrage. All turned out fine but totally worth mentioning because you should always trust your body and I just knew something didn’t seem right after Madeline’s birth but figured I wasn’t really the expert on childbirth.


We adjusted to life as a family of three. This was the most challenging month of the year for sure because breastfeeding was hard and Madeline never slept for longer than two hours at a time so I was exhausted. It was a busy travel month for Corey so Madeline and I had lots of one on one time that we spent figuring it all out!


We met some great friends through a playgroup and finally really began to settle in. Parenthood seemed to get a little easier and more fun. 

We found our new house and put in an offer. 


We listed our old house and went under contract soon after.

I went back to work. I am so thankful that both grandmothers were able to come and take turns nannying.

We closed on our new house and started renovating right away.


I had my last day of work and moved six years of my most valued teaching materials and about 800 children’s books into the garage of our new house.

We moved into our new home. It was both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. I am so glad we made the move when we did but I’m not sure I would recommend moving with an infant to any of my friends.


We debuted the new home with a 4th of July party with our closest friends. 

We said goodbye to Corey’s aunt after an eight-month battle with cancer. 


We traveled to Florida to visit with Corey’s mom. His sister and grandmother were also in town so it was great to have four generations together. 

We celebrated four years of marriage. 


We took a little impromptu beach trip. It was fun to get away for a few days but y’all, traveling with a baby is no easy task!


We celebrated Corey’s birthday and Madeline’s first Halloween.


Madeline was baptized at the church where I grew up and where Corey and I were married.

We celebrated my 29th birthday and hosted Thanksgiving in our new home.


Madeline met Santa and we prepared for her first Christmas. 

We snuck away for a little adults-only weekend at Olde Edwards Inn in Highlands, NC.

We celebrated the holiday with my parents and Corey’s mom and enjoyed how much more magical the holidays become with a child, even one who doesn’t really “get it” yet! 

We are so excited for what 2017 has to bring! 

You can see previous Year in Review posts here. 


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