5 on Friday

Happy Friday, friends. This might have been the slowest week in a long time. It has just creeped along, but the weekend has finally arrived and it is jam packed.


Madeline turned 8 months old on Monday. She is currently majorly in love with all things Daniel Tiger, especially this toy her Nonnie bought her. She has clearly grasped the concept of object permanence because he must go everywhere. It’s pretty adorable. 


We took a little mountain day-trip this week. This is one of the most awesome things about working from home. You can also work from the car! It was a beautiful fall day in the mountains and we were able to escape the 85 degree fall that is Charlotte currently. More to come on this little trip next week.


I finally made some serious progress in our foyer. I put everything together during Madeline’s naptime yesterday and I am loving this addition to our home. So nice to open the front door and not just stare at a blank wall.


We finally moved Madeline to her high chair for meal times. She’s been eating on her Bumbo with its tray for a couple months and I really loved that because I could hide it away in the laundry room when it wasn’t time to eat. I finally accepted the baby gear is taking over whether I like it or not and moved her big girl chair inside from the garage.


Last night she was especially exhausted for some reason…perhaps because it was the week that would never end?! So, we started bath and bedtime early and as soon as she finished eating and I burped her, she just snuggled right up and went to sleep in my arms. She doesn’t really do this anymore so it was super sweet. I’m so grateful she’s a good sleeper these days and can go to sleep on her own in the crib but this just made my heart melt. Time, slow down.



  1. Annie
    October 21, 2016 / 3:20 pm

    Soak up that cuddling!!! It ended around then for us but now it's back!

  2. Leslie @ A Side of Chocolate
    October 21, 2016 / 3:21 pm

    It has been so hot in Charlotte, gracious! I'm glad it's finally supposed to cool off! Happy Friday 🙂

  3. Leslie
    October 21, 2016 / 4:09 pm

    So sweet! That looks like a fun mid-week getaway. This hot weather is just crazy and I love cooler temperatures! We avoided the high-chair until we moved when our daughter was 11 months. Life is so so much better now that we have one! I love that I can put her in it and she can eat some puffs or other finger foods while I tidy up the kitchen. Have a great weekend!

  4. Sarah Shaneyfelt
    October 21, 2016 / 9:00 pm

    Love your entry way! The mirror looks great there!

  5. StephTheBookworm
    October 22, 2016 / 4:59 pm

    The foyer looks beautiful! Love that table. Yeah, I'm constantly trying to tidy up around my house but the baby gear is just all over the place! Haha.

  6. Melissa Fitch
    October 22, 2016 / 7:30 pm

    Your foyer looks terrific! And looks like a beautiful trip to the mountains. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  7. Laura Darling
    October 23, 2016 / 1:10 am

    What a beautiful work day! 🙂 Madeline is such a cutie. SO fun that she has her favorite toy!!

  8. Erin
    October 24, 2016 / 12:52 pm

    Hadley loves Daniel Tiger, too! She's so stinkin' cute. and I love your foyer!

  9. Blogger
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