1st Trimester Bumpdate

I refuse to do a weekly bumpdate post. I can barely find time to post weekly (er, quarterly?) as it is and I can’t tell you how many blogs completely lost my interest with those. So I’m thinking I’ll post a little update monthly. I typed this one up at about 13 and a half weeks but am just posting now. Here’s a little recap of my first trimester.

Disclaimer: sometimes I look like I have a very visible bump and other times my tummy is as flat as always. It changes throughout the day. I was looking unusual “bumpy” the day I took this photo and just had to show it off to my mother in law.

How far along? 13 Weeks

Weight gain: None. I went down a few pounds early on – 21 Day Fix Extreme! Then, gained a few back and am now right at my starting weight. 

Cravings: Right now I really only want salads with just oil and vinegar dressing and English muffins with peanut butter. And occasionally cookies with milk. 

Anything making me  nauseous/queasy? My Shakeology breakfast shake. I’m so sad about this because I could use the fresh fruits mixed in but these are nixed for the duration anyway since they discourage weight gain. Cigarette smoke will make me want to simultaneously throw up and murder the person smoking around my child. Sometimes other random things will make me nauseous, like ice cream and yogurt for a few days then salty stuff for a few days, etc. I haven’t actually been sick hardly at all but I’ve been severely nauseous and queasy a lot.

Exercise: I’m still exercising most days. I will use that term “exercising” loosely though. At the very beginning, I was getting incredibly sick during my morning workouts and was nauseous and very lightheaded and dizzy. I switched them to later in the day and that was better until I went back to work. There are some days where I turn on a Beachbody video and my body is just like no, ma’am. So then I have to settle for a walk on the treadmill or around the neighborhood with Riley. I’m doing my best to stay as fit as possible during pregnancy but also know I have to let some things slide.  Swimsuit season will be right around the corner after childbirth. I don’t anticipate being in a bikini next year but I don’t want to still be carrying around 30 extra pounds.

Stretch marks: Not yet. I’m using a combo of Mama Bee belly butter by Birt’s Bees and Bio Oil twice daily. 

Maternity clothes: Not yet! But I did pick up some belly bands from Target. 

Wedding rings on/off: On.

Sleep: Hit or miss. I’m exhausted pretty much every second of the day. Before I went back to school, I was napping in the afternoons for an hour or so. Some nights I’m sleeping great and others I just toss and turn forever and just as I’m out to finally settle down to go to sleep, I have to use the restroom. Adjusting to sleeping on my side is hard, too. 

Movement: Not yet. 

Gender: We don’t know yet. Appointment set for October at my OB but we might end up going early.

Symptoms: I have had a lot of early pregnancy symptoms. Sore boobs, low back pain, mild cramping, some nausea, crazy mood swings. 

Best moment this month: So many happy moments in the first trimester. Finding out, telling Corey, telling our families, our first doctor’s visit.

Worst moment this month: Corey and I got in a full blown argument when he wouldn’t take me for ice cream for National Ice Cream Day. 

Looking forward to: finding out if Baby Walen is a boy or a girl! Cannot wait to monogram everything. 



  1. Sara Holt
    September 8, 2015 / 5:39 pm

    love that you're doing monthly updates. I did weekly updates with my daughter but they became so monotonous and I just didn't have a ton of things to talk about. With this baby, I've been debating what to do and I think monthly updates are just the thing! I'm 15 weeks along and I'm just starting to have energy to do things again!

  2. Cville to DC
    September 8, 2015 / 6:55 pm

    So so exciting! Congratulations! I can't wait for more of your updates :)xoxo,Ash

  3. Shannon
    September 8, 2015 / 7:31 pm

    Congratulations Elizabeth!!! So exciting!! I agree with you on the bumpdates. Some bloggers go overboard with those weekly posts and while I appreciate they want the record for themselves, they're not always fun to read. I think monthly is just perfect (though I may be eating my words one day…) Excited to see you back on the blog some.

  4. Illegally Blonde
    September 9, 2015 / 2:16 pm

    Get on bored for many more small silly arguments. I would lose it when Jason did not get my random needs sometimes and then we would laugh about them later.

  5. Brita Long
    September 18, 2015 / 4:30 pm

    Your bump is so cute! I love that dress.

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