Elizabeth Lately

Happy Monday, lovelies. I apologize for the little blog vacay I took last week. Sometimes you just need time away from the computer. Sometimes your desk is buried under a mountain of paperwork. Sometimes these both happen at the same time, which was my week last week. 

Since I wrote last, I’ve celebrated my birthday. This was lots more fun than I anticipated and I ate a lot of delicious food. The Friday before my birthday, my hubs and I headed to one of our favorite pizza restaurants for a date night on a chilly evening. 

My parents and Corey and I went to brunch at Cafe Monte, a cute little French cafe to continue my birthday celebrations. This was pretty delicious as well. I have a weak spot for macaroons, especially the pistachio ones. 

Then the sweet fifth grade team at my school threw me a little birthday gathering, where I ate even more dessert. My coworker made the most phenomenal coconut cake. I NEED the recipe. I also need to spend some quality time at the gym after eating way too many desserts. 

My husband had gorgeous flowers delivered to my classroom on my birthday. All my boys and girls snickered and begged me to read the card out loud. They made my desk look oh so cheerful. Then, when I got home that evening he surprised me again by cleaning the whole apartment and inviting friends over for dinner to celebrate. 

We headed over to our house later in the week to check out the backsplash. I had my heart set on this travertine subway tile backsplash that our builder did not offer. I fought my way into getting it and am sound glad I did. Doesn’t it look phenomenal? I keep looking for excuses to drive by and break into my own house so that I can look at it.

Speaking of tile…. I had a little meltdown on Friday afternoon that was slightly reminiscent of when my flower girl’s dress was stolen from the apartment mailroom. Back in August, Corey’s mom and I went to our builder’s design center to pick out all the tiles, cabinets, floors, etc. for our house. I chose the tile featured below on the left for our bathroom with this vision of painting the walls the serene blue color.  When we were by last week, someone was working in the bathrooms so we didn’t get to see them. This made me all the more anxious to look at the bathrooms when I was there on Friday. But there was no blue tile to be found! Instead, there is the tile on the right. So at 5:15 on Friday afternoon, I found myself throwing a temper tantrum in the bathroom of my unfinished house. We are waiting to hear something from the tile company today but I am not budging until the chocolate tile comes down.

And that, ladies, is what I’ve been up to during my absense. Lots of eating and lots of stalking our house. Have a fabulous Monday!



  1. Kiri
    November 25, 2013 / 3:38 pm

    Whoa! I totally loved that subway tile too and they said we couldn't get it! Tell me your secret!

  2. Melissa
    November 25, 2013 / 3:44 pm

    We built a house last year and nearly lost my brain when they started messing things up. They messed up BIG things too. They gave us the wrong dimensions for our kitched which we had to change our layout at the last minute. They also made us change our wood flooring because it was on "backorder" and they wanted to hurry up and get it installed so we could keep our closing deadline. The wood floor had been backordered for over year and they failed to tell us that from the beginning. I wish they never showed us that flooring to begin with! They even messed up the color on our iron spindles! The spindles were silver and they had to completely redo the staircase which probably cost the builder a pretty penny.I'm sure they will fix the tile! Try and stay calm and don't worry. Everything will be okay!

  3. Portuguese Prepster
    November 25, 2013 / 5:46 pm

    All the food looks delish…glad you had a great birthday! Sorry about your tile fiasco…my parents built a new house last year and once thing or another was always coming up! Hopefully the finished product will be exactly what you want!

  4. Aly
    November 25, 2013 / 6:37 pm

    That cake looks amazing! I would have thrown a fit about the tile too, you're not alone!

  5. Laura {happily ever} Parker
    November 25, 2013 / 6:54 pm

    Loving that backsplash! I would be breaking into my house often too!

  6. Becky M
    November 25, 2013 / 11:40 pm

    The coconut cake sounds amazing! If you get the recipe share with us!agirlandhersparkles.blogspot.com

  7. Kristen
    November 26, 2013 / 5:51 am

    Keep calm and fight them on the tile. I'm sure it'll get straightened out. 😉

  8. Miss Lindsay
    December 4, 2013 / 4:28 am

    I remember seeing this on Insta… hope it was fixed! Can't wait to see the finished place 🙂

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