Hitched: The Reception Part 2

Happy Wednesday friends. With only 10 days until our first anniversary, I’m back with another Hitched recap. (Only 1 more to go!) Today, I’d like to share photos from our reception. You can find other Hitched posts here

I’ll be pulling out these gorgeous Waterford flutes to toast to one year of marriage next weekend.

Alan, our best man.

Elizabeth, one of my maids of honor

Father-daughter dance. My dad is so cute. He absolutely hates to dance but was looking forward to this dance during the whole planning process.

Mother-son dance. I just love this photo.

Corey’s parents, grandmother, and cousin

Three generations

My mom teaching her new son-in-law how to shag

Some of my Furman loves

And a few favorite Kappas

Our cake was served with tuxedo and wedding dress decorated chocolate covered strawberries.

* All images property of Kristin and Aaron Byrum and reproduced with permission. Images may be pinned but reproduction in any other form is a violation of the copyright. 



  1. In the Pink
    August 1, 2013 / 2:32 pm

    I love the three generation picture! What a special memory to have!!

  2. April of A. Liz Adventures
    August 1, 2013 / 2:34 pm

    You guys are getting so close to anniversary uno! So happy for ya'll! And how do I keep forgetting that you are a fellow Paladin?!

  3. Laura {happily ever} Parker
    August 1, 2013 / 5:00 pm

    Thank goodness for photos and being able to relive the memories!

  4. Meghan
    January 21, 2014 / 12:36 am

    You were a beautiful bride! Your wedding looks so fun! I've had a really long engagement and now that I'm 5 months away, I'm getting really antsy. champagneandsuburbs.blogspot.com

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