DIY: Patio Herb Garden

Our apartment has a pretty decent sized deck. When we moved in, I knew that I was going to plant a little herb garden out there. Corey and I cook so frequently and I just love cooking with fresh herbs. What I don’t love is paying $4.00 for an entire container when I only need a tablespoon. Then, I spend the rest of the week trying to find excuses to use the rest of the package and end up feeling so guilty for throwing them away at the end of the week when what I haven’t used is all wilty and sad. 

To solve this problem, I decided to plant my own little patio herb garden. Since we moved in at the end of May, it was kind of late in the season to be planting an herb garden but I was still able to find all the little plants I wanted between Lowe’s and Home Depot and one little cilantro plant in the produce section of Harris Teeter. 

My mom picked up a pretty pot for me at Lowe’s. Its plastic but looks very nice, which works well on a patio since it isn’t too heavy. I used Miracle Grow moisture control potting soil but any type of potting soil will do. I filled the pot up about three-quarters of the way and then set the herbs in to see how I wanted to place them. 

When you’re taking the plants out of their containers, make sure to carefully loosen up the roots. This will help them get the nutrients they need to grow. Once I had the herbs where I wanted them, I added more soil and made sure to pat it down firmly around the plants. You don’t want air pockets in the soil. Then, I watered them and we were good to go!

After seeing these adorable markers on Christina’s blog, I knew I had to have a set of my own. They were so very reasonably priced at $18 for 7 spoons. I ordered them on the Sunday before Memorial Day and they were in the mail the following Tuesday. I just love the cute vintage look. You can find a set of your own in Curbside Pickins Etsy shop. 

We have been using our little herb garden all the time and I absolutely love it. This will definitely be a yearly addition to our home. 



  1. Kristen
    July 9, 2013 / 4:36 am

    So cute! I definitely want to do this one day.

  2. Portuguese Prepster
    July 9, 2013 / 2:59 pm

    this is awesome! I would love to do this one day, my grandma always grew lots of fresh herbs and they were incredible!

  3. In the Pink
    July 10, 2013 / 2:33 pm

    This is so cute!! The EXACT same thing happens to me with fresh herbs that I buy…I never use them in time! I had a little herb garden last summer but it didn't grow back this year and I never got around to replanting anything…regretting that now!

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