
Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Ours was very nice and spent settling in in Charlotte and meeting up with some old friends from Greenville who now live in Charlotte as well for a kickball game. All of my post have been scheduled lately since I’ve been super busy getting moved. Here’s a peek at what I’ve been up to lately.

I had a fro-yo date and walk around our neighborhood with one of my best girlfriends on Memorial Day. It was a perfect day in Hoboken. I’m really going to miss this view. 

Then, on my official last night in Hoboken she and I had sangria and the best sushi ever. How did we wait until my very last night to try a new sushi restaurant?

The next day the movers came and this was a look at our apartment afterwards. This picture makes me a little sad for our first married home. Even though this apartments was super tiny and super expensive, I am so, so glad I got to live in the NYC area for a couple years. I think its something every girl should do if they get the opportunity.  See this post for why. Once our apartment was empty, Riley and I headed to Corey’s parents’ house. 

We arrived in Charlotte and I had to leave Riley alone in the new apartment for 20 minutes to run a quick errand. When I came back, he’d scratched up the door of the brand new apartment and was looking very proud of himself.  Cavaliers are notorious for having horrible separation anxiety and Riley was not having being left alone in a strange place. 


Our furniture arrived and I’ve been doing lots and lots of unpacking. This is a view of what our guest room looked like when we first arrived. Luckily we could contain the mess to the guest room and close the door. Now, we’re almost totally unpacked except for a few minor things.

Over the weekend, we took a break from unpacking and all errands to lay by the pool. I am by far the pastiest person in Charlotte so I need to get a little color to back up my Tan Towels.

We bought patio furniture and I am loving relaxing outside with my boys. It is really nice to have our own little outdoor space and this is by far Riley’s favorite part of the apartment. He just loves sitting out here and looking for things to bark at. 

I have to say our apartment is turning out super cute so there will be a home tour eventually. Corey and I are getting settled in but having a little culture shock having to drive everywhere. Its nice not to have to valet our car anymore (and even nicer to have 2 cars) but it is kind of crazy to us to have to drive to dinner.  We even had to drive to the park to take Riley for a walk. All in all, though, things are going well and we are getting adjusted. 

Happy Monday, friends!



  1. Annie
    June 10, 2013 / 5:06 pm

    Glad you're settling in!

  2. Kristen
    June 11, 2013 / 5:34 am

    Glad you're getting settled! And oh my goodness, I can't believe Riley did that to your door. Uh oh. 🙁

  3. Lauren
    June 11, 2013 / 4:27 pm

    Glad you're getting all settled! Riley is seriously adorable!! xo

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