Happy Monday!

Happy Monday, ladies!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Things are creeping slowly back to normal around Hoboken. Our power came back on on Saturday morning so I returned home to clean up the apartment and get settled back in. I cooked dinner Saturday night and watched about a million episodes of Friends since our cable and internet wasn’t working yet.

We got a notice that our gas had to be turned off for safety reasons while all the meters are replaced since they were submerged. So, I took one last hot shower and made a grocery list of things I could make in the crockpot and on our cuisinart griddler. We have a gas stove, which was great for when the power was out, but kind of sucks right now. Our hot water heater and clothes dryer are also gas so I’ll be showering at the gym this week and won’t be doing any laundry.

Our cable and internet came on last night, which felt like Christmas. I can finally connect with you all again through the blog and was able to catch up on some of the week’s worth of television I missed online.

The power is still off at my school but it is on at another elementary school in town so the kids have one more day off (their sixth day missed) and we will be meeting to discuss pacing, making up our days, etc. today.

Corey was out of town this weekend. He left on Friday for San Antonio for a work conference. I have to say I wanted to sneak on the flight and go with him. The weather was a warm 85 degrees and they had power, hot water, and cable/internet – luxury! Sometimes, we take things like electricity for granted. Its my goal to be more appreciative of the little things.

I want to thank all you ladies for your kind words and support over the last week. I’ve gotten so many sweet tweets and emails just checking in on Corey and me. And a big thank you to those who opened their hearts to help the situation here in Hoboken by donating to either the Red Cross or to the Rebuild Hoboken Relief Fund.

I’m planning for things to get back to normal here on the blog. If I have time to schedule it today, we’ll be picking up with the Hitched series tomorrow and I’ve recently tried the Sensationail at home gel manicure system (good thing since my fav salon was destroyed) and we have to chat about that. My birthday is two weeks from today so I’m dying to share all the fashion goodies I’ve been lusting over with you ladies.

I hope you have a great Monday, loves!



  1. Portuguese Prepster
    November 5, 2012 / 4:25 pm

    so glad to hear you are okay!!!! I was supposed to go to NYC this weekend to visit my boyfriend and am coming next intend. He lives on the lower end of Manhattan so I was worried about flooding there as well but I hear Hoboken was just horrible! I'm so sorry and glad to hear your apartment is okay at least!

  2. Sweet, Pink and Preppy
    November 5, 2012 / 5:27 pm

    Can't wait to hear about your crockpot adventures!

  3. Rachel
    November 5, 2012 / 6:35 pm

    So glad to hear things are coming back to normal! Woohoo!Hearing about everyone else's losses has definitely made me appreciate what I have had these past weeks.I hope everything goes smoothly for you this week 🙂

  4. Leigh Powell Hines
    November 5, 2012 / 6:45 pm

    Glad things are slowly going back to normal. I know that is hard. Thinking of you.

  5. Kristen
    November 5, 2012 / 8:43 pm

    I'm glad it's getting back to normal! It definitely makes you appreciate the little things more. Hope your gas gets turned back on soon!

  6. Amanda
    November 6, 2012 / 5:32 pm

    I'm sorry to hear that your favorite salon was destroyed, but I'm interested to hear about this at-home system considering how much I do my nails at home. 🙂 Hope you're hanging in there!

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