Weekend (& Sandy)

Happy Monday lovies! Corey and I are home from work today and Riley is hiding under a blanket with just his head out and barking at the wind. Sandy is giving me and the the 3rd graders a four day weekend but she’s also being a major bish to the Hoboken area. 

We had a great weekend this past weekend celebrating Corey’s birthday and Halloween. On Friday, I hurried home from work and baked Corey a mini aluminum can cake. Usually I bake a full cake for his birthday but since we were going out to dinner, I knew we would be having dessert at the restaurant and wouldn’t want endless sweets around the house. I didn’t snap a picture because as soon as I put the last bit of icing on the cake, he was on his way upstairs. Then, we went to a rodizio steakhouse. I enjoyed filet and lobster tail and didn’t try the rodizio but Corey and his sister did and loved it. Everything was delicious and such a fun experience. 

On Saturday, we took a walk and stopped by the farmer’s market in Hoboken. That evening, we got ready to celebrate Halloween. Riley had already celebrated on Wednesday with some of his Cavalier friends at a doggie Halloween party. 

Riley was a sock monkey. As you may remember, those are his favorite toys. 

After the costumes came off, he played with all his best friends. 

Corey and I stopped by two Halloween parties hosted by some of our friends and then met up with a few more friends at a local bar. We wore our costumes from last year since we didn’t get to wear them because of the snow. 

I was a German beer maid.

And that is my devoted husband, the pimp.

I made pumpkin bread last week. It was amazing! I even made a cinnamon nutmeg icing to drizzle on top. I’ll definitely be making it one more time this fall and will have to post the recipe. SO GOOD!

I’m currently sitting in our living room watching the trees in Hoboken blow sideways. Its looking pretty gross outside. Corey and I are stocked up on food, including things we can eat if we have no power. Sandy is being a major bish to the Hoboken area by her plans to arrive at high tide on a full moon and run straight into a cold front. Basement and ground floor apartments have been evacuated and those by the water, but right now our building is fine. Our car is parked on the second floor of the garage and we’re on the seventh floor so we are not too concerned about the expected flooding. We’re a little nervous about getting stuck for days though! Our area of Hoboken is very prone to flooding even when it rains heavily for a couple hours, not to mention a couple days. We’re considering leaving for Corey’s parents house in an hour or two but are not sure things will be any better there as they have more trees and are in a more suburban area so are not as high priority if power is lost. 

I took this screen shot while following the updates on Hoboken’s twitter last night. Before any of the rain came, the train station was flooded just from the storm surge’s effect on the tide. 

Happy Monday, girls. Hopefully the weather is better where you are. And if you’re in Sandy’s path, stay safe!



  1. Brooke
    October 29, 2012 / 2:09 pm

    Cute Halloween outfit! I love it! I was a Beer Girl too! This is a fun outfit!=)Brooke

  2. Kristin
    October 29, 2012 / 3:55 pm

    Love your halloween costume! I have a hurrication and today/tomorrow off from school. Stay safe in NJ!

  3. Kristen
    October 29, 2012 / 4:05 pm

    Love the Halloween costume! And how fun that Riley got to have a party too!Hope you stay safe with Sandy!!

  4. Anonymous
    October 29, 2012 / 4:40 pm

    Stay safe!!! That pumpkin bread looks delish!

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