I’m Back!!!

Corey and I are home from Hawaii!!! We’ve actually been home since Sunday morning. It was the most amazing trip ever. Everything was beautiful, the scenery was unbelievable, the food was amazing, and everyone was welcoming and kind. We had so much fun. I have to admit, though, I was happy to see the Manhattan skyline out the plane window. Only because I missed Riley so terribly much, though. If he had been with us I don’t think we would ever have come home!

I have really enjoyed re-living our special day as our friends and family post pictures on Facebook. It really couldn’t have been more perfect. Here’s a little sneak peek that showed up on our photographer’s Facebook page…

So what am I up to post-wedding? Right now it looks like the Bed, Bath and Beyond stock room exploded in our tiny 700 square foot apartment. I’ve been unpacking and organizing and starting on our thank-you notes this week. I’ll also be taking some of our things over to Corey’s parents’ house to put into storage, which greatly pains me but I also really look forward to when we can move and use them all.

I’m also headed to the social security office to change my name and then to the district office at work so they can get everything set up for my class with my new name. I’m also up to lots of lesson planning and preparations for the new school year. I’m super excited to be teaching 3rd grade this year but even though I student taught in 3rd, the standards are different so I’ll need to do some extra prepwork as I plan my lessons.

I’ve spent some time chatting with my friends. We’ve all been looking forward to the wedding events as a reunion for so long since we don’t all get to be together as much as we like. The wedding weekend went by so quickly so there’s still so much catching up to do!

Corey, Riley, and I have just been trying to get settled in back at home and getting back into the swing of things. I’m trying to get our apartment back to normal – which is squeaky clean and perfectly organized, which is really tough now that we have more stuff.

I also made a little shopping trip to pick this up for Corey yesterday.

He’s been talking about it nonstop lately but he didn’t think I’d actually agree to get it for him. We put some wedding money into our savings account but he really wanted a new computer. He’s had the same macbook since he was a junior in college and most recently has been using my macbook pro when he needs a computer. I picked it up to surprise him yesterday. He’s been doing more work at home at night and using my computer, which just wasn’t going to cut it next week when I’m back at work!

I also did a little back to school shopping. I wore pretty relaxed clothes to work last year, nice t-shirts and chinos or target dress pants because a lot of my clothes got ruined in Kindergarten. I have a few nice teacher dresses and blouses from when I taught first in South Carolina but I really needed to spruce up my wardrobe. There were some awesome sales going on so I picked up a couple new blouses from Loft, Ann Taylor, and Banana Republic. Then, I couldn’t resist ordering this scarf from Lilly Pulitzer:

This is the murfee scarf in the South Carolina state print. When I first heard about its impending arrival last week, I knew it had to be mine. I have several nice scarves but I usually don’t splurge on them, however I just HAD to have the South Carolina print, especially since I’m away from home. Maybe it’ll help me feel closer to home on this cold New Jersey winter ahead!

I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things here in on blogger. Happy Thursday lovelies!



  1. Annie
    August 30, 2012 / 2:05 pm

    Yay so glad you're back and can't wait for picture overload!The SC Lilly scarf will brighten any NYC day!

  2. Portuguese Prepster
    August 30, 2012 / 2:23 pm

    Love the scarf gorgeous! So glad to hear you had a wonderful honeymoon! Can't wait for pictures!

  3. Anonymous
    August 30, 2012 / 3:24 pm

    Glad you're back! That scarf is so cute!

  4. Kristen
    August 30, 2012 / 5:23 pm

    Glad you had so much fun! Can't wait to see more pics, love the one above though! 🙂

  5. Caroline
    August 30, 2012 / 5:46 pm

    Congratulations on your wedding! I have been reading about it on your blog, so I can't wait to hear how it all went. Your sneak peek picture is BEAUTIFUL!

  6. Leigh Powell Hines (Hines-Sight Blog)
    August 31, 2012 / 2:21 am

    Oh, that photo of you and Corey is grand. So happy for you both. Good luck with the new school year.

  7. Rebecca
    September 3, 2012 / 2:09 am

    Love the picture! Glad your honeymoon was amazing! Chris and I went to Hawaii too, and I never wanted to leave!

  8. Amanda
    September 5, 2012 / 12:31 pm

    Welcome back!!! I'm glad you're settling back in with everything, and you're such a good wife surprising him with a new Macbook! I'm finally on the Macbook bandwagon as of yesterday!!!

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