Misc. Monday

Happy Monday girls! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Corey and I did and had a great time in Key West for his cousin’s wedding. We flew in super early on Thursday morning to Miami, where we met up with his sister who has been in Thailand since October. Then, we drove down to the keys.

We had great weather Thursday and enjoyed spending some time catching up with family at the rehearsal dinner, which was held at the original Margaritaville. Then, we headed out on the town for the night. We hit up a couple bars, including one with a mechanical bull. Corey gave it a try.

On Friday, we woke up and had breakfast then headed out to take a waverunner tour around the island. This was lots of fun but I’m glad we did it early in the morning because as we were just finishing up, it started pouring. The rain and thunderstorms lasted for hours but finally broke up right before the wedding, which was perfect timing since the ceremony was in a gazebo on a pier by the beach! It was still pretty windy so I didn’t get any good pictures, except this one of her gorgeous flowers.

Please ignore the windblown hair. I wore a Lilly dress from the 2009 collection, one of my all time favs. 

The reception was a blast and we had a great time. We headed back out on the town afterwards, where we ran into a bachelorette party carrying around a giant, anatomically correct inflatable doll. I immediately snapped a photo and sent it to my maids of honor for laughs. Maybe we should get one for my bachelorette party?

On Saturday morning, we had brunch with some family members then headed to South Beach for the day. We had an early dinner and did a little shopping. I went into a Sunglasses Hut with Corey’s sister just for fun to try on some new styles. I’ve been wearing a pair of Chanels for five years. My dad bought them for me for my twentieth birthday.

They have been so very loved for so long but have definitely been showing their age lately. I’ve been worried about something happening to them because I would most definitely replace them and that would set me back a pretty penny. Well…the salesperson at Sunglasses Hut offered to clean them, which I happily agreed because they haven’t been as shiny recently. Then, she went to tighten the screw and the arm snapped. While I’m heartbroken to see them go after so many years together, I’m also super excited that I was offered a brand new pair for free and I could choose any pair I liked in the store.  


Of course, I had to stick with Chanel as I was so pleased with my previous pair. I chose these, with pretty enamel and pearl flowers on the sides and love them. I’m sad to say goodbye to my old pair as I’m sure we could’ve had a few more good months together, but at least if they had to break it was on someone else’s dime. Hopefully my new sunglasses and I will have as long of a relationship. Isn’t it funny how attached you can get to something you use everyday?

After the Sunglasses Hut incident, we headed to the airport. On the way, I saw this. And all I have to say is South Beach, WTF??

In case you weren’t sure, that is a man in a bikini at the bus stop. 

We headed home late in the night on Saturday and were reunited with Riley Sunday morning. He had a great time with his friend from play group, playing in the backyard, and when I picked him up, he was completely exhausted. 

There’s one sleepy Cavalier on each side of the doggie bed, all played out.

I’m back work for my first five day workweek in ages. But, the school year is over just three weeks from tomorrow!!!



  1. Annie
    June 4, 2012 / 3:53 pm

    Ahhh I was in South Beach last Wednesday – Sunday! Looks like yall had a great time at the wedding! Love your Lilly…I wore one of my dresses from 2005 this past weekend!

  2. Amanda
    June 4, 2012 / 7:46 pm

    You look beautiful! Glad it was a great time in the keys and that Riley enjoyed some puppy fun 🙂

  3. Miss Lindsay
    June 6, 2012 / 3:08 am

    Love your Lilly dress!!That is awesome you got a new pair of glasses… I know you are sad to see the old ones go but it certainly worked out in your favor!!

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