Wednesday Lovin’

Happy Wednesday lovelies! Today, I’m linking up with Jamie at this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday today!

I’m loving that this is the last day of my work week this week! That is pretty fabulous. Corey and I are headed out of town for his cousin’s wedding in Key West this weekend so I only worked yesterday and today. Which makes me extra happy because our school doesn’t have air conditioning and this was the thermometer in our room yesterday:

Yes, that says 92 degrees.

I’m loving my new Jacks. I almost switched to Bonannos this year to do an experiment on quality but when I tried to order them, Stephen Bonanno was charging $12 for shipping. For a shoe that weighs about 1 pound!! So for the time being, I’m giving Jacks one more try. But if I have to get stitches this year because of my shoe, then our relationship is over.

I’m loving Pina Coladas at the beach. Yep, that would be an extra test tube of rum. Don’t judge. We all deserve a little something extra for a holiday when we’re off work. 😉

I’m loving all the fun activities this guy will be participating in while we’re out of town. I usually feel super guilty for leaving Riley when we travel. This weekend one of the doggy moms from Cavalier play group/Cavalier owner cocktail hour is watching him. Riley will be going to a birthday party for one of the dogs in our play group. Yes, I did just say that.  A dog’s birthday party. He’ll also be going to playgroup at doggy day care. He might even have more fun than we will!

I’m loving the amazing new design Jenn at Munchkin Land Designs did for my blog. Hopefully you’ve noticed over the last few days. If you want to update your button, there’s a super cute one in the sidebar you can grab. The old one still works so its your preference. If you’re ever in need of a blog design, Jenn is amazing.

I’m loving that we have just four weeks left of school. I’ve been really behind on updating my teaching blog but I’ve been trying to catch up a little now that the year is coming to a close. If you have some time, go ahead and hop over to see what’s been going on in my work life. I promise there’s never a dull moment in our class. 😉


I’m loving the Lilly Pulitzer Beau dress. Oh, I want it desperately. Isn’t it to.die.for?

I’m loving that the Victoria’s Secret Semi Annual Sale has started for Angels. Doesn’t it feel great to score a sixty dollar bra for $19.95?!

And as always, I’m loving my boys! 

Happy Wednesday girls! 



  1. Taryn
    May 30, 2012 / 1:27 pm

    Oh I've been so wanting a little blog design refresh too! Yours looks great!!

  2. Kristen
    May 30, 2012 / 2:07 pm

    Love the new design! 🙂

  3. Rachel
    May 30, 2012 / 2:28 pm

    Key West! LUCKY! And I neeeeed that Beau dress! It's our wedding colors!Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:)

  4. Lisa Lynn
    May 30, 2012 / 10:21 pm

    My jacks broke the exact same way!! But of course I've bought 2 new pairs since then. & extra rum is the way to go when you're on vacay 🙂

  5. A Wedding Story
    May 31, 2012 / 1:18 am

    I love your Jack's! I have knock-offs from Tarjay that I'm literally waiting on to break so I can get the real ones but they are holding up great! Hang in there…school is *almost* over…YES!!

  6. Portuguese Prepster
    May 31, 2012 / 11:31 am

    I Love that dress too! Hope you have a great vacay!

  7. Leigh Powell Hines (Hines-Sight Blog)
    June 1, 2012 / 1:11 am

    What a great post. Your design looks great. Have a great time in Key West. And I'm giggling about Riley's agenda. So funny!

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