One wedding trend I am loving are cookie and dessert bars at weddings. I do also like candy bars but I’m not a huge candy person, so I have a bigger appreciation for a dessert or cookie buffet. Have you been to a wedding that has one of these? I think it would be so fun but don’t know if we’ll end up doing it or not.
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
Source: via Elizabeth on Pinterest
What are your thoughts on this trend? Which do you prefer – cookie, candy, or general dessert?
145 days and counting and my oh my am I getting busy!!!!
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My friend had a candy bar and it was really cute yet chic. The candies she picked were either white or silver so it kept it from looking like a little kid's birthday party. A cookie bar would be really neat though! I think it's a great idea.xo,eMr
I think both cookie and candy bars are super cute! I considered doing a candy bar, but we decided to have cake pops made for our favors instead.
I did a candy bar, and it was a HIT. People went crazy for the treats! We found lots of cute green and white candys, and stamped bags for people to take home if they wanted. It actually turned out being quite a bit of work. We had to be careful what we ordered since it was JULY, and things would probably melt by mail – just a tip!
I really liked the candy bars until I started seeing them at every wedding I went to! It kind of lost the effect…Kind of like the wedding photo booth too! We got engaged in a photo booth so we thought it would be cute to have one, but theyve become a little cliche (at least here in Ky). I love the whole "dessert bar" idea though. I think it's a nice twist on the whole candy bar idea, plus you can save money and get a smaller wedding cake if you do do something like that!
I had a candy bar and it was a complete hit. I got cute cellophane bags with a sticker on it for the guests to put their treats in. I also stayed away from our color scheme only candies and just got a little of everything in every flavor – which I think the guests appreciated a lot more versus just a couple flavors so they could pick what they liked. I think a dessert bar would be just as cute as long as you have a variety.
I haven't been to a wedding in so long. 🙁 I"m passed that stage for awhile until my sitters get married then my children's friends. 145 days. Wow!