Birthday Festivities for my Honey

I have been so busy celebrating the birthday of this great guy that I’ve forgotten to blog!

I secretly snuck into Manhattan without Corey knowing (hard to do with my crazy work schedule!) and bought the Tag Heuer watch he’s been talking about forever. Its birthday + Christmas but I gave it to him for his birthday. I love a nice watch on a man! This one looks great with the full suits Corey has to wear to work every day but also with his casual clothes too. 

I also made a yummy cake. It is a butterfinger cake. Yellow cake drizzled with caramel, iced, and sprinkled with crumbled up butterfingers. So easy and so delicious. Corey was so excited and he thought it was the best cake he’d ever had. I originally found a recipe on Pinterest I wanted to use but had to come up with my own because the Pinterest recipe called for sweetened condensed milk and whip cream topping which need refrigeration. I wanted to be able to put the cake in my cake box container and then hide it from Corey so it could be a birthday surprise on Wednesday even though I was making it the night before. I really liked my variation and am so pleased with how it turned out!

On Wednesday we went to Sparks Steak House in midtown Manhattan. It was seriously some of the best steak I’ve ever had. I wore this cute outfit with my new jumper.

Riley wanted to be in the picture too!

We started with some yummy appetizers – prosciutto and melon and caprese salad, ate delicious steak (this place is famous for how great their steak is), lobster (fantastic!), and enjoyed some great sides. Such a delicious dinner! While this restaurant is famous for its delicious steak, its also famous for a high profile mafia shooting that took place right out front in the 80’s! 

There was an unfortunate incident following dinner. We had some leftover steak. Corey opened his presents from his parents on the way home (it was really late) and dropped the bag of leftovers inside the giftbag for us to carry inside. Well…we completely forgot about it! Not only was a delicious and super expensive steak wasted but Riley found it while we were at work yesterday. He ate all of the steak leftovers – including the aluminum container. Of course I immediately fell into full fledged panic upon returning home yesterday, knowing that aluminum cannot possibly be good for my sweet little dog. He’s fine, though and appears to feel alright. I’m determined to keep a close eye on him over the next several days but he is acting normal as can be – and seemed quite content to have stolen the steak (he normally doesn’t get any people food!).

I posted a new post in Lipstick, Lattes, and Lesson Plans for all of my teacher friends and those interested in the um, highlights of my new job. Eventually, I hope to share some lessons and ideas along with funny and memorable stories but I’m not quite up to uploading resources and whatnot. I’ve been exhausted from work. Extended day school programs are no joke!

I’m looking forward to a fun Halloween weekend! The forecast for Hoboken and NYC says snow might be headed our way this weekend. I told Corey that if it snows before the end of October, I’m packing up and headed home to South Carolina. I kid, I kid. But seriously, I am not ready for this cold weather!

Happy Friday ladies!



  1. Amanda
    October 28, 2011 / 3:58 pm

    Happy Friday, Elizabeth! You were so sweet to Corey for his birthday! Sounds like the meal was delicious and gifts were a success! Tell him I say happy birthday!

  2. Anonymous
    October 29, 2011 / 2:15 am

    Love birthday celebrations!! That cake looks yummy :)Hope you have a fun weekend!

  3. Anonymous
    October 30, 2011 / 1:22 pm

    Lovely birthday gift! Hope you weathered the storm ok…snow in Oct is awful…simply awful!

  4. Hines-Sight
    October 30, 2011 / 3:19 pm

    Love the watch. Your cake is great.And little Riley, what a little cutie eating that yummy steak, and the foil. I hope he is okay. I'm sure he is. You looked adorable in the photo.

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