Weekend Recap (in photos) and Moving Update!

Happy Monday ladies!

I’m blogging quickly during my lunch break between my practicum and seminar because I have been out of town away from my computer all weekend.

On Friday, I met the movers to load all of my things into the moving truck. Then, off I went to the airport. Only to be delayed four hours due to bad weather. Newark airport was shut down because of a thunderstorm then by the time it reopened, Charlotte shut down because of rain and poor visibility. Seriously…what are the odds?

Saturday we had a wonderful picnic in Central Park then laid out in the sun. I even got a little tan. In the summers I am usually pretty tan for a fair-skinned blonde…but this summer I spend all my time in class!

 Yummy, yummy lunch

 My wonderful fiance planned the picnic

Please excuse the messy hair…it was HOT this weekend in New York 

We went back to Hoboken, showered, then went out to eat at the best Mexican restaurant I’ve ever been too. We ordered guacamole as an appetizer and they made it for us at our table in this cute bowl:

One great thing about many restaurants in New Jersey is that they allow you to bring your own drinks. So we brought a bottle of these and drank the whole thing:

I don’t know that Corey would appreciate me sharing this with the world but he likes his Skinny Girl ritas almost as much as I do!

Sunday we went on a walk in our new neighborhood and had lunch. Take a look at the view!

 Downtown NYC view…including the new WTC building

Empire State Building

Then the movers arrived with the furniture! I only remembered to snap a few before pictures:

Look for after photos next month. Corey is currently roughing it in a sea of boxes and unpacking and organizing what he can without my Type A self there to do it.



  1. Anonymous
    July 11, 2011 / 4:45 pm

    bahahha i love that he drinks skinny girls! hilarious!

  2. Brittany
    July 11, 2011 / 6:05 pm

    A picnic in Central Park.. that would be so awesome! I can't wait to see the pictures after everything is moved in! 🙂

  3. Girl with passion for all girly things
    July 11, 2011 / 11:16 pm

    your such a cute couple 🙂

  4. cAc
    July 12, 2011 / 1:01 am

    YUM SKINNYGIRL!!!! Excellent choice. May have to start bringing my own bottle in my purse since Virginia does NOT let you BYOalcohol. Love your view too!

  5. PeaceLoveApplesauce
    July 12, 2011 / 5:08 am

    I'm not a fan of the Skinny Girl Rita… I think it tastes horrible!!

  6. Liz
    July 12, 2011 / 10:01 pm

    Hey! I'm a girl from the south (if you consider Kentucky "the south" 😉 who relocated with my husband to NYC, but now we live in Jersey City, NJ – your neighbor! And, guess what?! My name is Elizabeth, too (but I mostly go by Liz)! I hope you enjoy Hoboken; it has a lot to offer. Feel free to check out my blog: http://www.tortsteethandatootsieroll.blogspot.com

  7. Casey @ Classic with a Pop
    July 13, 2011 / 7:40 pm

    Hey there! Stumbled upon your blog and love it…I live in Tampa now, but I grew up in SC and am a Carolina girl at heart 🙂 And please reassure your husband that he is not alone…my manly, 6'2, 200 lb, rugby playing, non-skinny girl, husband LOVES it too! haha Consider me your newest follower 🙂

  8. Hines-Sight
    July 14, 2011 / 2:11 am

    I've been craving mexican lately. Your post made me want it even more. What a great weekend for you. Leigh

  9. Meldrum the Mover
    February 8, 2012 / 11:23 am

    Excellent sharing Thanks for share i am sure its must help me. thanks for doing this.Meldrum the Mover

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