Stitches! – And the Stephen Bonanno/Jack Rogers Debate

Yesterday was SO not my day.

The actual work day was fine and it was a half day so I had so much work done by 3:00 that I was able to leave on time. Here was my post-work game plan: quick visit to the tanning salon to work on that tan I won’t be getting sitting in my master’s classes, run to the bank to deposit a check, stop by Wal-Mart to pick up printer ink to print some things for my meeting with the wedding planner, change and head to the gym, and then return home for an evening of relaxation.

Sounds great, huh?  Well I only got through the bank visit part of my day when things started to get interesting.  Because, as I am walking to my car in the parking lot and step down from the curb, the toe thong on my Jack Rogers completely snaps.

Exhibit A: The Culprit. (please ignore messy work area!)

The force of this causes my foot to pop up – right into one of those concrete things that guard the front of parking spaces and my toe hit right at the corner. This caused a HUGE gaping gash in my toe. Seriously, blood is all over the parking lot. I’m shouting profanities. I’m also burning my, now naked and bleeding, foot on the 97 degree asphalt. Yuck.

So I drive home trying not to look at my mangled toe until its no longer necessary to operate a moving vehicle. I make it home (still bleeding), call my mother (who is a nurse) and she suggests stopping by urgent care to get an updated tetanus shot (as my last one was say…12 years ago). Turns out I did not need a tetanus shot. I needed stitches! Boo. 🙁

Exhibit B: Would be my bruised, swollen, stitched up foot. 

But no worries – I’m sparing you. 

Now, I am very angry at my Jack Rogers. The broken shoe is headed to the garbage and its mate has been banished from my sight. Luckily I have my monogrammed Stephen Bonannos to wear to work tomorrow or I have no clue how I could survive. Seriously, I wear my Jacks to teach in every single day. This pair was maybe a year old although I think I didn’t purchase them until last July.

A replacement pair of platinum navajos are a must. This is the second pair of Jacks to have popped at the toe strap. Luckily, I found a fantastic shoe repairman to fix the first pair. These, however, are not only broken but soaked in blood so I’m writing them off as a lost cause. I admit I’m a little rough on my Jacks. I wear them almost every day. I wear them with running shorts to run errands and I wear them to work and with shorts and jeans and dresses. They definitely get a lot of wear. But to have to replace them every year? Shouldn’t they be a little more durable? I’d say this was a freak accident if it wasn’t the second time this has happened to me. And if it hadn’t resulted in stitches. And if I wasn’t going to have to cancel my pedicure appointment.

I sure do love my monogrammed Stephen Bonannos. They’re newer than my Jacks and I don’t wear them as frequently but the quality is great. They’re made by hand still whereas Jacks are mass produced. The only downside to choosing Bonannos as the replacement is that is I either have to 1. Tirelessly search all boutiques in the area until I find my size in platinum or 2. Order them and wait 4-8 weeks. Both of these options require a wait time and summer is here now!!!

 Jack Rogers Platinum Navajo


Stephen Bonanno Platinum Navajo

Opinions? Do you wear Jacks or Bonannos? Have you tried both? Opinions on quality?



  1. Rebecca
    June 2, 2011 / 12:10 pm

    I've only had Jacks. I really hope that mine hold up because it's almost been a year that I've had them! I had no idea that they weren't very durable. I wear mine everywhere too so mine get a lot of wear. I'll definitely have to check back to see everyone else's opinions!

  2. Caitlin C.
    June 2, 2011 / 3:39 pm

    I only wear Jacks – my current pair is almost THREE years old! (Yikes, I think it may be time for a new pair) And I've never had a problem with them. I can't believe the strap broke like that! You think for how expensive they are, they would last longer. I also wear mine every day.

  3. ♡ bAs
    June 3, 2011 / 10:56 pm

    I have Jacks and I think I am going to start looking at the Bonannos! I will have to learn patience which I why I never have gotten them before. Hope your foot heals fast! That doesn't sound fun at all.

  4. Hines-Sight
    June 4, 2011 / 11:59 am

    My friend has had her Jack Rogers in red for nine years, and they look perfect.Sassy Blossom in Cary carries Bonannos. Look at my post from last Thursday….the one about the Bee Happy! I mention the store in there, and the website. They may have it in your size, and could ship it

  5. Sundresses and Smiles
    June 6, 2011 / 10:28 pm

    I wear Jacks but have heard good things about the Bonnanos! And that's crazy you've had two pairs break–I've had my first pair for over 4 years and they're still in pretty good shape! You might want to email Jack Rogers about it, saying how you've had two pairs break–they may offer you a discount or a replacement pair!

  6. preppypinkgirl
    January 16, 2012 / 12:00 am

    If it is a popular color, they can usually ship them faster. SB stand behind their product. It is a family run business that JR copied the design to mass produce. Plus, SB has a following for weddings and bridemaids. I just noticed u were getting married.

  7. Amanda
    February 24, 2013 / 7:22 pm

    I am getting ready to purchase my first pair of Bonanno's but I have to order then and i am unsure on the sizing. I have a pair of Jack Rogers that are size 7, but when I measured them on the bottom I got a 10 in length, which is a size 7 1/2 in Bonanno's. Is that right? How do your JRs sizing compare to your Bonanno's?

    • Marty
      March 26, 2013 / 5:56 pm

      I have both JR's and SB's in size 9. They run true to size the difference is JR's the sole is narrow. I have narrow feet and my toes fall off the edge of the JR's. I think that SB's are far superior! I will never buy another pair of JR's again. I contemplate selling them on ebay all the time.

  8. Marty
    March 26, 2013 / 5:56 pm

    I have both JR's and SB's in size 9. They run true to size the difference is JR's the sole is narrow. I have narrow feet and my toes fall off the edge of the JR's. I think that SB's are far superior! I will never buy another pair of JR's again. I contemplate selling them on ebay all the time.

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