Bridal Talk Tuesday – THE dress is here!

<center><a href=”” target=”_blank”><img alt=”Life with Elizabeth” src=”></a></center> Believe it or not, it was eight months ago that my Maid of Honor, Elizabeth, and I made…

Bridal Talk Tuesday: Say Yes to the Dress

<center><a <span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >href</span>=”http://elizabethann87.<span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >blogspot</span>.com” target=”_blank”><<span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >img</span> alt=”Life with Elizabeth” <span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >src</span>=”http://i1093.<span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >photobucket</span>.com/albums/i425/<span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >lizzielee</span>/<span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >bridaltalktuesday</span>-1-2.<span class=”goog-spellcheck-word” >jpg</span>></a></center> Happy Tuesday…

Wednesday Loves

Happy Wednesday ladies! Its time for What I’m Loving Wednesday with Jamie. Link uphere to play along! one. I’m loving that tomorrow is the last day…

I’m in love…

with this man: But also with one of the wedding gowns I tried on today! I’m not 100% sure its the one yet. One of my…

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My favorite lippy
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Safer Sunless Tanner
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My Fav Tote
The non-mom mom jeans
The non-mom mom jeans
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The BEST Sunscreen
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My Favorite Sandals