Coffee, Conversation, and a call for Help

Better late than never, I suppose. I’m popping in later than usual on this Monday because I had my twenty-two week (!) checkup this morning and didn’t get a chance to get my post together before getting Madeline and myself out the door. It’s not an easy task these days with a stubborn, independent little lady!

On Friday I picked up Madeline an Elsa dress up costume. It was a $5 hand me down from our mom group and it was definitely the best $5 I’ve spent lately because she spent the whole weekend pretending to be a princess. 

That turned out to be perfect timing because we took her to a princess breakfast at our golf club on Saturday morning. She got to meet Belle and was just utterly star struck. Our usually loud, wild little girl suddenly became SO shy. But Belle must have still made quite the impression because she talked about her the rest of the day.

Corey and I had a date night to our favorite Thai restaurant on Saturday night. It was such a treat and we topped it off with ice cream for dessert. 

Yesterday was a laid back day full of errands and things to do at home. We are crossing tasks off our list one by one to prepare for baby boy’s arrival in a few months.

Many of you already know that April, a local mom in our community who blogs at Smidge of This, received some devastating news last week when she learned that her two-year-old daughter has Leukodystrophy, which is a terminal illness. April and her whole family are just wonderful and our whole community is just heart-broken for them. Especially as a mother of a child the same age, I just cannot imagine being faced with something so scary. They are just in the beginning stages of this journey and will definitely need financial support so that sweet Charlotte can get the care she needs while they can spend as much time with her and their other children as they can. You can visit their Go Fund Me page here to make a donation if you feel called to help – any amount at all is helpful and will truly make a difference. And most importantly – please keep this family in your prayers if you can.

Many of the mama business owners in Charlotte have also banded together to help provide additional fundraising. You can find out more about this through the hashtag #cltforcharlotte on Instagram. This month I am foregoing my Beautycounter commision and will be donating it to Charlotte’s care. You can shop the fundraiser here. If you want to help but don’t know what you need, we also have some wonderful products for gifting. 

To the new mama

baby wash / diaper cream / baby bundle 

To a friend with young kids

Kids Wash / Kids Bundle 

To your girl friend 

Charcoal Mask / Citrus Mimosa Lotion / Lip Conditioner 

To your own mama 

Rejuvenating Eye Cream / Lip Sheers 

For yourself 

Charcoal Bar / Resurfacing Peel / Adaptive Moisture Lotion

This week we are a little off our regular schedule so I’m not sure I’ll get too much knocked off my to-do list. Later in the week I’ll be sharing a special post in honor of our sixth anniversary this weekend. If you have any specific questions about us or marriage, please leave them here in a comment or send them to me by email so that I can include them in that post. 



  1. Leslie
    August 6, 2018 / 8:47 pm

    I was so sad to learn of April's news. It is truly heartbreaking and I just cannot imagine what they are going through. Thank you for donating your commisssion to them this month. Im hopeful that perhaps the financial burden can be lifted, so they can concentrate on Charlotte's care.

  2. Annie
    August 7, 2018 / 6:23 am

    Thank you for donating! xo

  3. LMW
    August 7, 2018 / 1:32 pm

    what a wonderful way to help April.

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